Alex Jones Will Go Down in History as the First Casualty in the SPEECH WAR. The Canary in the Coalmine.
The sale of Infowars and the removal of Alex Jones from the air goes without a hitch--NOT. YOU AIN'T NEVER GONNA SHUTUP ALEX JONES! HE IS AMERICA!
Things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time,
You know, if I encroach on you and I'm sophisticated about it, I'm going to encroach two millimeters,
I'm going to encroach right to the point where you stop and start to protest, then I'm going to stop. I'm going to wait, then you're going to calm down,
Then I'm going to encroach again, right to the point where you start to protest. Then I'm going to stop.
Then I'm going to wait,
And I'm just going to do that forever, and before you know it, you're going to be back three miles from where you started,
And you'll have done it one step at a time
And then you'll go, “Oh how'd I get here?”
And the answer will be, “Well I pushed you a little farther than you should have gone, and you agreed, so then I pushed you a little farther than you should have gone again, and you agreed again” and I kept repeating that process, now here we are, at the edge, where I wanted you from the start. —Jordan Peterson, on how “things go to terrible places, one tiny step at a time”
Alex Jones—Infowarrior to State Pariah
I’m writing this on Thursday, November 13th, 2024. On my lunch break at work and just listened to what—from the sounds of it—was Alex Jones last dispatch from the Infowars studio in Austin, TX. Why? Because of collusion between state, local, and federal governments, who set out to ruin it. The thing that we used to say was “they can’t take that book off the market because that will give it credibility. (Behold a Pale Horse for example). First off, from a Streisand Effect position, what do they think this is going to do? Also, who do they think they are? Alex Jones is simply broadcasting the things that are being said across America, wouldn’t they want—if this person is really saying these Bad things—this person to keep broadcasting so they can hear what’s being said??? No, that’s not what they’re doing. They want to destroy him, for daring to speak, we let it stand, it’s too late for that, I know he’ll continue in because this is the age of the Infowar. I’m really curious about what venue he’ll be joining after this is all over because there’s not a chance he’ll be gone. Alex Jones has been broadcasting since I was a toddler, after all he was the guy who predicted that an aircraft would be used to target a national monument like the World Trade Center, and they would blame someone like Osama Bin Laden. He hit my radar in 2008, I moved in with a girl who was very online, and she religiously watched Infowars. At that time, he was on FEMA camps and Martial Law, I pretended to get it, but it seemed so crazy, to the point of fictional. Truth is I just didn’t care enough to look into it. I was a hopeless drug addict that didn’t have inhibitions that went any deeper than that. By the way, Alex was right in 2008 his timing was just off, it wasn’t until “15 days to slow the spread” that we seen internment camps and Martial Law.
The Genesis—Who is Alex Jones? Why Do They Hate Him?
Alex Jones started his career as an anti-corruption activist and pirate radio broadcaster, he’s never been a partisan back (Although if you listened to him now that’d be hard to believe). And his career will end the same way, but not today. He has always gone towards the side more in line with fighting corruption. His fight has always been with whoever’s rights need defending. Which has always been the American people versus the Government. He has never fought top-down it’s always been bottom-up, I mean he started in PIRATE-RADIO! I don’t even know how that works! He started in the 90’s during the Clinton Administration, at the time of Waco and Timothy McVeigh.
During Waco it was the 76 men, woman, and children that were burned to death by the FBI and the ATF, at Ruby Ridge it was the Weaver family being attacked by the ATF and US Marshall’s, in 1999, in Seattle it was Special Ops sending in Delta Force Agents dressed as demonstrators into a peaceful protest about worker’s rights to provoke violence (Agent Provocateurs), in the Bush years it was the American people being marched toward war with people who our government had provoked into attacking our towers, in the Obama years it was America being fed on by vampiric corporations feeding us toxins over here and murdering whole families by remote control in the middle east, in the Trump years it became the Democrats trying to turn the little boys into little girls and framing the sitting President of the country he loves for TREASON, and now all those enemies are coming after him, of course they’re winning!
Now, we can say, “No, Jordan! He said the thing, and that’s why they’re after him!”
And sure, that’s a reason to be upset at him, maybe even hate him, look, you don’t have to like him, but what you cannot do is because he said something that caused backlash, use all the powers vested between the corporate media and federal government to destroy his life, likeness and businesses that he built from the ground up. If Rachel Maddow and what’s his name from FOX News (I gotta Google fox news to remember the guy’s name every time I bring him up) Sean Hannity, if they get to stay on the air so does fucking Alex Jones. The only difference between them is Alex doesn’t have corporate ad companies from Big Pharma and fucking oil companies and the military-industrial complex ads, you know Pfizer, Chevron, and Raytheon, (and also tied to mega-corps of the world Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street—watch this video) backing him up when he says something questionable. And he says a lot of questionable shit, but so do they.
Last night I got home from work, got online and what do I see? Alex Jones Infowars studio sold to The Onion, of course it was. I always knew the onion was a fucking psyop. Who does CNN have on to talk about it? America’s favorite Corporate Media piggie Brian Stelter:
By the way, this is also Brian Stelter:
This was kind of brushed under the rug with the win of Trump last week and his current cabinet picks causing lots of noise, but although those are big stories, that will affect us geopolitically, this is an attack on us domestically, this is our 1st amendment on the line, this matters too!
There’s an article that has made the rounds since 2018, “First they came for Alex Jones…” by Jack Cashill, that points out the fear that even the biggest Alex Jones haters should feel about this:
If these media outposts have no cause for alarm, Alex Jones does. So does every other right-of-center voice in America. An exchange on comedian Bill Maher’s HBO show Friday suggests why the reductio ad Hitlerum in the title of this essay, if a stretch, is still more justified than those ululated by America’s newspapers.
When Maher explained to his audience that Apple, Google, Facebook, and Spotify colluded to boot Jones and InfoWars from their platforms, most in the audience applauded enthusiastically. More troubling, guest Jennifer Granholm, a former Michigan governor, shouted, “Thank God.”
To his credit, the contrarian Maher scolded the audience. "If you're a liberal you're supposed to be for free speech,” he said. “That's free speech for the speech you hate." He made little headway with the audience or his guests. If any other prominent liberal voice in the media protested Jones’s exile, he or she or ‘zhe’ has done so sotto voce.
One can argue that the media platforms that evicted Jones were private concerns, but the collusion among them was symptomatic of the nearly universal urge on the left to suppress speech that challenges the left/liberal agenda.
He continues in this article to layout four courses of media malfeasance, I want to point out one, for those on the side of, “Alex Jones questioned Sandy Hook and caused harassment, he deserves anything he gets…”:
Even more shameful was the media’s treatment of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula in 2012. Needing to blame something other than her own incompetence for the assault on the Benghazi consulate, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a memo the night of the attack indicting some “inflammatory material posted on the Internet." Nakoula, an American citizen, produced the video that allegedly did the inflaming.
Nakoula was vulnerable. He had been arrested years earlier for a check-kiting scheme and cooperated quietly with the feds. To protect him, the feds sealed the document. After Benghazi, the Obama DoJ promptly unsealed it and leaked it to the New York Times.
The Times reported on Nakoula’s earlier conviction just three days after the smoke had cleared in Benghazi. The release of this information exposed Nakoula to harassment by the media and reprisal from the ringleader of the check-kiting operation.
Once he was identified, the Times and the other media camped out in front of Nakoula’s California house, not to protect him from the death threats he was facing, but to join in the manhunt. To assure their readers they had tracked the right man, the Times’ reporters pointed out the similarities between Nakoula’s front door and the front door of a house used in the video.
Still on probation and feeling like he had little choice, Nakoula pled guilty to unauthorized use of the Internet in his uploading of the video. He was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release.
Some months after his arrest I tracked Nakoula down to La Tuna, a federal prison in the westernmost tip of Texas. I was the first person in the media to contact him.
The story of Alex Jones and Sandy Hook is simply the story of what sometimes happens with free speech, in a society where we also have a certain percentage of our populace who are mentally ill. Alex Jones looked into the Sandy Hook story the same way he looked into every other big story in American culture over the years, he very early on seen that it was real, it did happen and moved on. There was, however, some people who didn’t move on and that can’t be blamed on Alex Jones any more than it could be blame on anybody who looks into stories, trying to find the truth. Alex Jones has never harassed anyone, except maybe Marco Rubio, which liberals should be happy about this week! I know I am.
The Struggle Post-Big Tech Collusion
It is now November 16th, 3 days after the shutdown, and many of the pundit class have sounded off on this issue, one of them being
, I defended Mr. Hanania early on in my writing when it was said that Richard Hanania was a nazi! Used to write for a nazi publication under a pseudonym! Or saying things like ‘mentioning IQ’ in most any context. They tried to destroy him just the same as they did Alex Jones! His note about this was okay, he made a point, that just the same as the Sandmann V CNN settlement was well-deserving so was the Sandy Hook Families V Infowars, the difference is this case never came up until he supported Donald Trump and fucking Nicholas Sandmann didn’t then take ownership of CNN! They’re taking Infowars, setting up an auction of everything Infowars owns and even fighting to take the namesake Alex Jones! Hanania ended his Note by saying that nobody cares about Infowars anymore and I must disagree with this, anyone who takes the time to look through this case cares about it. If they don’t they should! If they care about the 1st Amendment anyway. Also, if no one cares explain the following screenshot of last week’s episode, the day of the auction, taken from the biggest podcast in the world:That’s the 2 Top comments! Someone cares.
The Offensive
So, now it’s Sunday, and the most recent reporting on this story, is Infowars was shut down on Thursday, and the Onion took possession of it. Then, new news came out that a judge had looked into it and realized, as Alex had been screaming at the top of his lungs on his show the entire time, there is something improper about this auction, lemme explain:
Alex Jones was sued for defamation and harassment in Connecticut and Texas for talking on his radio show Infowars, the truth, which was not that the horrific Sandy Hook massacre didn’t happen, but that there was a large swath of internet sleuths and conspiracy theorists, radicalized by the lies from our government, who were pointing out what they viewed as inconsistencies in the Sandy Hook story. They believed the people on the news were what they called crisis actors, and this was a ploy to take away the 2nd amendment for the safety of the people. Now, many people blame school shootings on the availability of guns in America and it mainly comes from one side of the aisle, but most of the listeners of Infowars are very much under the assumption—as am I—that if the 2nd amendment is stripped away, it will be easier for the government to control the American people. Not that anyone could go to war with the government, as the strawman argument goes (you couldn’t fight the government, they have nukes, and missiles, and tanks). That’s not the argument, the argument is they would be less apt to impose on you if there is a chance of bodily harm, maybe there will be a day when we don’t have to be so skeptical of them, but today’s not the day. Anyways, it’s not crazy to assume the people crazy enough to confront the victims of this horrible crime’s families are also listeners of Alex Jones show Infowars. By the way, some war hawks watch MSNBC, should Donald Trump be allowed to sue them over Thomas Crooks, or the radicalization of Ryan Routh? Routh was definitely saying a lot of the same talking points that MSNBC was saying.
Alex Jones received an almost a $965 Million-dollar judgment from CT and $49 Million from TX. This is $1 Billion & $24 Million, this is the type of money won from Monsanto for actually killing people, which resulted in a $2 billion-dollar judgement. Note: He is in no way related to Adam Lanza, the actual killer and he in no way caused anyone any harm, and if we—here in western civilization—are going to start submitting to the danger of free speech in a free society maybe we should start following North Korean standards and start our own Kim Jong Un Family. By the way, they sought $2.75 Trillion Dollars in this judgment. The audacity of seeking this kind of money from anyone except maybe the Lanza Family for creating the murderous little bastard who did the shit is arrogant and absurd and it’s not even the families asking for this kind of money, it’s the powers that be who want Alex Jones gone!
Here’s a clip of Alex addressing all this on the PBD Podcast, there’s no reporting that what he’s saying here isn’t true:
According to CBS News: In both cases in Texas and Connecticut found Jones and Infowars' parent company liable for damages without a trial last year, as a consequence for what she called his repeated failures to turn over many financial documents and other records to the plaintiffs. After the unusual "default" ruling, the jury was tasked only with deciding on the amount of compensatory damages and whether punitive damages were warranted. How guilty (How much should he pay) they claimed he gave them no information to prove he was innocent after he gave them 4 years of transcripts showing that he never presented anything as fact that he had made up. (Alex has verified all of that except the entire premise that he failed to turn over the documents, he gave them 4 years’ worth of documents to look over, remember, you are innocent until proven guilty, the burden of discovery is on them)
They brought in financial advisers that refused to look at his books and said he was worth $270 million dollars based on past sales of products that he was simply a sponsor for. Alex Jones doesn’t produce any of the products he sells, just like Joe Rogan doesn’t produce Athletic Greens. Another company produces a product, and you advertise, and you get a cut. Alex Jones had products that he put a stamp of approval on, and he would get a cut, not the gross. They based this number off of his gross. Now, even if their numbers were true, and of course they’re not, just like Mar-a-Lago is not worth $18 million, to say that he’s made 270 million and then to say he should give up $1.5 billion is a crazy assessment. Even if what he did was wrong, it was maybe a dozen days shows, that didn’t make or break the overall body of work that Infowars did in 30 years. Infowars has nearly been around longer than I have.
A judgement of $1.5 Billion was reached, all states combined.
During the lawsuit, one of those paid out was an FBI agent that didn’t even lose anyone in the massacre, and he was given a judgement for $95 Million. He received one call at his office asking if he was really an FBI agent.
Now, neither Alex nor Infowars is Google, they are not Purdue Pharma, so he did what anyone facing a judgement equal to literally 1.5 million times his net worth would do, he files for chapter 11 bankruptcy. He gets this response in the media, “Like every other cowardly move Alex Jones has made, this bankruptcy will not work,” said Chris Mattei, an attorney representing Sandy Hook families. “The American judicial system will hold Alex Jones accountable, and we will never stop working to enforce the jury’s verdict.” Not sure what else the guy was supposed to do but they weren’t happy with that.
Alex files for appeal.
Alex Jones is ordered to liquidate his assets.
Of course, the assets do not add up to the $1.5 billion dollars’ worth, the lawyers representing the “Sandy Hook Families” then try to seize control of his social media accounts. This is where it starts to become obvious that this is not the call of grieving families, this is a call to remove Alex Jones from ever speaking again. This is unprecedented ground, consider the Dominion Lawsuit. Which was settled for $7 million. They didn’t also ask for the Fox News accounts. Nicholas Sandmann didn’t ask for the CNN accounts. Who do these fucking people think they are?
Our courts came through on this one and the judge that presided over this said, “No. You cannot take the man’s name, you fucking pigs!” (Sic)
It was decided by the courts that Infowars, Free Speech Systems (,, and the Infowars Studio in Austin would be sold at auction by court order. (remember that Alex Jones, awaiting appeal, has continued his daily show, reporting on all mishaps, like normal, planning his move to a new studio with a different owner, not himself)
May 31st, 2024, A U.S. Trustee for the Federal Government sends private security with a ‘court order’ to shut down the show mid-broadcast. The show is ‘Officially’ off the air.
Two weeks later, they get an emergency hearing with a judge, that judge fires the U.S. Trustee and his boss, who is a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) oversees the Enterprise Audit Management (EAM), because he had no court order or authority to shutdown anything, and Infowars is back!
Judge then appoints a new U.S. Trustee to the case, named Chris Murray.
Chris Murray tells Alex that they are having a public auction, which leads one to think anyone in the public could place a bid.
He tries to put up the name Alex Jones for sale at the auction, they have a hearing, it was decided that isn’t allowed.
Chris Murray offers to take that off the auction.
He doesn’t.
The auction is scheduled anyways it’s reported far and wide that the bid deadline will be on November 8th @ 2:00pm.
Although I found lots of reporting saying the auction was on Monday, November 11th (the corporate media sucks).
Wednesday, Nov. 13th, @ 10:30AM (Prevailing Central Time), the IP Assets Auction is scheduled.
The “auction” took place. The bids went like this, Onion bid $1,000,000, Home Team bid $1,200,000. Due to the auction not going as planned, instead of a counterbid, like auctions normally go, “after receiving the initial bids, the Trustee and Tranzon decided to scrap the live auction and conduct a secret final and best bid process without court approval and contrary to the Sale Order”.
Late in the evening early reports started surfacing that Infowars—as the ultimate “Onion” being Onion joke—had placed the winning bid in the auction and were publicly planning to turn Infowars into an actual fake news site that would operate separately from The Onion newspaper/website.
By the next morning however, the corruption in this illegal auction starts rising to the surface. Alex had been yelling at the top of his lungs for months that this auction and everything surrounding it was not right, but Alex, well he says this about everything and yes, he’s been right a whole fucking lot and he was right in this case too.
Alex’s attorney’s and Elon Musk steps in, the judge is filled in on what just happened, and he orders everything back in possession of Alex Jones, he didn’t authorize the auction, the auction has to be agreed to by both parties, it is supposed to be a public auction where the highest bidder wins, this was reconstructed behind the scenes into a private sell, which is against court order. The judge overturns the sell until everyone agrees, they have a hearing, and both parties + the judge agrees with the rules of the engagement, and he gives the court order to proceed.
It’s now Monday the 18th, Alex has released the documents of the filing, I’ll post a link of them in (HERE) and some terminology from the documents if you are interested in reading them.
Global Tetrahedron or Connecticut Families is The Onion—You’ll see both names referenced back and forth throughout the documents, sometimes in the same sentence— when you see them, same people. When you see First United American Companies—mostly referenced as FUAC—they are the friends of Infowars trying to buy the place to keep Infowars on the air.
**Tranzon— is a real estate auction company that they used to set up the auction.
**The US Trustee in this case is Chris Murray, he is assigned to the case to oversee the bankruptcy, they do this in big cases with a lot of moving parts.
**FSS—Free Speech Systems/Assets, they mean the same thing, FSS is the LLC attached to Infowars so when they refer to FSS or Assets they mean Infowars.
**Anytime the term Sale Order is used, think ‘court order’, this whole debacle is about the Sale Order being altered without the judge’s approval, it’s the court order.
This could be the story of any one of us. Or all of us. Totalitarianism happens, one tiny step at a time.
Despite how you might feel about him, the attempted annihilation of Infowars and Alex Jones could very well be the first stone thrown in the battle against free speech that's coming for all of us, it’s already here, like it or not, we’re in the fight. If we don't stand with him, who's gonna stand with us? Thank you for reading.
Thank you so much for explaining this! No one has done this. I'll be sharing.
Where are the rights of the Sandy Hook families considered. Alex Jones is a pig and why my son defends people like this is perplexing. But I hate that he’s right. I will not agree that it’s ok to weild words like a hammer to hurt people. I struggle with the balance of the two sides. I can’t & won’t side with free speech when the scale of the intended violence against these people is so vast. If you’re going to wear the mantel of free speech advocate, then you deal with the consequences, which in the case of Alex cost him everything. His own free speech took him down. The people have spoken.