Confirmation Week is a Mutha, Part One (CONFIRM THOSE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS NOW!)
RFK Day One and Tulsi Snipes the Opposition
First let’s talk about Congress and the Senate itself. Here’s my opinion, I’ve never heard in my life such a shameless group of squawking old birds in my life like the women and men of our Senate. It’s a damn shame.
I was under the illusion that when people appear in front of Congress it’s, ya know, formal, maybe a bit professional. First off, this is how far out of the know I was, I didn’t know civilians appeared in front of congress. I was seriously into the history of the mob at one point, it fascinated me, but that great scene with Sam “Teets” Battaglia (that I seem to not be able to find anywhere), when he pleads the fifth 60 times in a row, “I refuse to answer on the grounds that my answer might tend to incriminate me.” I had NO clue why he was in front of those people. I’ve been to court plenty of times, but NEVER like that.
That was the most education I had about these Senate Hearings; I catch every one of them now. The first of them I watched was the Twitter File Hearings with our own Michael Shellenberger of Public, and
of , and it was the most infuriating display I’d ever seen. I read and listened to, still do, everything they do. I knew what their positions were, how they prepared even. They wanted Democrats to understand that this was a bipartisan effort from them, and to see that this government-coercive censorship is not a partisan problem, it’s a problem that both sides should be leery of. If you think the next president could be a dictator, why would you leave him/her with the power to coerce social media companies into censoring “True speech”. It’s the same argument we used to make when Obama passed the National Defense Authorization Act’s (NDAA) of 2012 provision allowing indefinite detention for anyone “who are part of or substantially support Al Qaeda, the Taliban or associated forces engaged in hostilities against the United States” due to, Section 1021(b)(2) of the law allows for detention of citizens and permanent residents taken into custody in the U.S. on “suspicion of providing substantial support” to groups engaged in hostilities against the U.S., such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The NDAA arms the U.S. military with the ability to imprison indefinitely journalists, activists and human-rights workers based on vague allegations. From v. Obama,If you don’t know who
is click on his name or read my story (above). He filed for an injunction for just this reason. Here’s the ACLU:Although President Obama issued a signing statement saying he had “serious reservations” about the NDAA’s detention provisions, the statement only applies to how his administration would use them and would not affect how the law is interpreted by subsequent administrations. The provisions – which were negotiated by a small group of members of Congress, in secret, and without proper congressional review – are inconsistent with fundamental American values.
Anyways, that Twitter Files Congressional Hearing blew my mind. I realized, “Oh! The Democrats here are fucking demons! How did I not know this! I thought they were the good guys. The good guys don’t treat people like this…”
Stephen Lynch defended the FBI, then started affirming that Russiagate was real!
Debbie Wasserman Schulz aligned Matt with rapists and murderers??? And Hamas?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the ex-chair of the Democratic National Committee. She was forced to resign when the DNC Email Dump happened in 2016, revealing that due to the DNC going bankrupt Hillary Clinton had been practically keeping the DNC functional with her personal funding, in return for getting the nomination in 2016. Bernie was the winner, but Hillary Clinton and Wasserman Schultz colluded to take it from him. By the way, he would’ve won. When all of this hit the public, in a big mess, millions of Bernie voters came to the Trump side for a protest vote, when after all that happened, Bernie still endorsed Hillary Clinton. He could’ve went independent like Bobby did but he chose to bend the knee to the Democratic party. With that, went his support to the other side.
Also, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the largest inside trader in Congress.
Sylvia Garcia & Stacey Plaskett tries to trap Matt with a question about sources, and then Sylvia, asks about their “threesome”. You should really watch the video above!
And Stacey Plaskett, calls Matt a “so-called journalist” and Elon Musk’s “public scribes”. Simultaneously, forgetting to mention that she’d been Jeffrey Epstein's Scribe…
I’ve been hooked ever since, our elected officials host a daytime trash show, adjacent to Jerry Springer. It’s like upside-down world! The Democrats were such monsters in all of those clips, now listen to the Republican, how understanding and willing to listen, actually willing to have a discussion:
Crazy right?? I yield back…
Let’s talk about this week, and the confirmation hearings! No Epstein Associate’s or Hillary fixers, but plenty of psychotic moments to go around!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr-DAY ONE
First things first, take a look at the chart below and remember the names on it:
Robert Kennedy Jr. is a battering ram to these financial interests.
Senator Crapo, seems like a nice ole guy. This must be the good cop, bad cop routine.
Senator Wyden-Democrat-Fourth Level of HELL!!!-Come’s in hot calling him a baby killer! And not because he supports Israel! It’s an old bullshit story. There was a measles outbreak on some island country, a couple kids died from the measles vaccine, so the people became hesitant to take it, and Kennedy visited around that time.
Wyden’s Welcome:
Committee staff have examined thousands of pages of statements, books, and transcripts, in a review of his record. The receipts show that Mr. Kennedy has embraced conspiracy theories, quacks, charlatans, especially when it comes to the safety, and efficacy of vaccines. He has made it his life's work to sew doubt and discourage parents from getting their kids life-saving vaccines. It has been lucrative for him and put him on the verge of immense power. This is the profile of someone who chases money, and influence, wherever they lead. Even if that may mean the tragic deaths of children and other vulnerable people.
Well, that wasn’t very nice Wy-dumb. Very quickly, the idea that RFK jr is doing all this for money is demented, and frankly stupid, main one being this guy is a Kennedy, and a successful one at that! He doesn’t have to pull scams to make money. That’s something you might say about, well, me! He’d make so much more money if he shut up. How about some RFK Jr FACTS:
We all know Bobby’s father and uncle died. Bobby became addicted to heroin. He was out there till he was in his 30’s, damn near 40’s. He got clean and got into the 12-Step Program. By the way, part of AA and 12-Step is you do things for people, they believe when you’re helping someone else, you’re helping yourself.
He goes to law school, becomes a lawyer.
Has a deep love of nature, gets into environmental science.
Listen to these words, this is who this guy is! For all of you fucking psycho’s out there, read this:
I went to work for commercial fishermen on Hudson River, in
1983, when I first got sober, and um, I wanted to do something with my life that, I, you know, that I felt drawn to,
and I'd always been an outdoors person.
I've always been a fisherman, and outdoors, wildlife, kayaking, and all that stuff, and I went to work for a commercial
fisherman on the Hudson River.
We began suing polluters, they purchased a patrol boat, and began patrolling the river, and we sued. I was there; We sued over 500 polluters; We forced polluters to spend almost five billion dollars on remediation at Hudson, and today you know, partially as a result of our work, the Hudson is now the richest
waterway in the Atlantic Ocean! North of the Equator! The miraculous resurrection, when I first started working on the
Hudson, it caught fire, it was dead, it was dead water, or zero dissolved oxygen for 20 miles north of New York City, 20 miles
south of Albany, no life in it!
Joe: It caught fire, it was that polluted.
Bobby: It caught fire, it would turn colors every week depending on what color they were painting the trucks at the GM plant in Terrytown, you know. It was really, my father toured it in 1967, and it was just, it was regarded as a national joke!
Well, today it's an international model for ecosystem protection,
and miraculous resurrection. It's the only waterway in the North Atlantic that still has strong spawning stocks of all of its historical species of migratory fish. Of the Anadromous fish, like striped bass, sturgeon, and herring, alewives, um, blue crab, etcetera. Um, and the uh, and the miraculous resurrection of Hudson inspired the creation of new River Keepers we copyrighted the name, and we started helping these other groups get started, and today it’s the biggest water protection group in the world! So, we have 350 water keepers, each one has a patrol
boat, each one patrols their local waterway, and they sue polluters, and we're in 46 countries.
Oh, in 2005, I was representing a bunch of, uh, water Keepers
all over the United States, and in the provinces of Canada, suing coal burning power plants, and cement kilns, for discharging Mercury. Two years before, like 2003, the National Academy of Sciences and the FDA, had published a report, like a five-year study, that showed that every freshwater fish in America had
dangerous levels of mercury in its flesh.
deficiency like lost IQ, etcetera, and where's the Mercury coming from? The Mercury was largely coming from coal burning power plants. —Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
That guy is who we’re dealing with. Before we move on, let’s take another look at that ole screamer Senator Wyden:
Whoa looks like him and Warren took $1.2 million apiece from….
Elizabeth Warren:
So, this one starts off great, almost humorous, then it goes off the rails when Kennedy, whether right or wrong, perceives that she’s trying to get him to commit that he won’t sue drug companies, which is what Kennedy does. It’s quite hypocritical for her to do this, see, her big issue is banks and finance companies, financiers and what-not, and as a lawyer she’s reigns them in by suing them, it’s how she made a name. Just the same, Robert F. Kennedy Jr made a name doing the same thing, suing polluters to get them to follow the rules or get bankrupted out of existence, and he plans to do the same against drug companies who put the American people in harm’s way. By the way, that big charade at the end, where she lays out every possible conflict of interest that he could use to leverage these lawsuits are ALL conflicts of interests that she does leverage using her Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, that has taken to debanking startup companies whose political views she is against, as Marc Andreesen and Mark Zuckerburg both referenced to Joe Rogan.
Bernie Sanders:
Those were the big ones that were to note. Elizabeth Warren took $126,056 from the pharmaceutical industry just in 2024. That paired with the way she got so upset towards the end; I wonder if it’s more than just money she’s afraid to lose. Hey Liz! Blink twice if they have your puppy hostage!
Ron Wyden with his show of calling bobby a kid-killer, jeez! Oh, but you can see why, more money, gets a bigger show of support and just in 2024 Ron Wyden took $182,450 from corporate PAC’s in the pharmaceutical industry, and $169,063 from individual pharmaceutical executives adding up to $351,513, this sure tells it all doesn’t it?
Raphael @Warnock:
Tulsi Gabbard, Take A BOW…
My father wanted me to be into football so badly as a kid, and I wanted to love it the way he loved it, but I just couldn’t. The way he jumped up in the air yelled “Go, go, go!” when his team The Tennessee Volunteers were going for a touchdown, I wanted that! Well, this politics thing, I found my sport! When Tulsi Gabbard said, “I don’t hate America, I hate Al Qaeda!” She dropped Operation Timber Sycamore on them! By the time she said that I was already on my feet yelling “Go, go, go!” And through my fists in the air! It was a moment of glory! Tulsi Gabbard, take a bow!
Senator Mark Kelly: In 2016 you said ‘the U.S. is providing direct and indirect support to terrorist groups in order to overthrow the Syrian government.’ In 2019 and the Democratic presidential debate stage, you said of President Trump, ‘this current president is continuing to betray us. We were supposed to be going after Al Qaeda. But over years now, not only have we not gone after Al Qaeda, our president is supporting Al Qaeda.’
Tulsi Gabbard: As someone who enlisted in the military specifically because of Al Qaeda's terrorist attack on 9/11 and committing myself and my life to doing what I could to defeat these terrorists, it was shocking and a betrayal to me and every person who was killed on 9/11, their families, my brothers and sisters in uniform. When as a member of Congress, I learned about President Obama's dual programs that he had begun really to overthrow the regime of Syria and being willing through the CIA's Timber Sycamore program that is now been made public of working with and arming and equipping Al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime. Starting yet another regime change war in the Middle East. DOD train and equip program. Again, under President Obama, is widely known, looked at, and studied that resulted in over half a billion dollars being used to train who they called "moderate rebels" but were actually fighters working with and aligned with Al Qaeda's affiliate on the ground in Syria. All to move forward with the regime change and not acknowledging what was obviously at the time and impartially has borne true which was a regime change war in Syria, much like in Iraq, toppling of Qaddafi and Mubarak, would likely result in the rise of Islamist extremists like Al Qaeda taking power. I shed no tears for the fall of the Assad regime, but today we have an Islamist extremist who is now in charge of Syria, as I said, who danced on the streets to celebrate the 9/11 attack, who ruled over Idlib with an Islamist extremist governance, and has already begun to persecute and kill and arrest religious minorities like Christians in Syria. Why that should be acceptable to anyone is beyond me.”
“Every American deserves to know that people in our own government were providing support to our sworn enemy Al Qaeda. That should not be acceptable by anyone,” she subsequently concluded.
If you don’t know what Timber Sycamore was, it sure as hell wasn’t a logging gig, here it is being explained by the premier democrat establishment turned to our side by…You know, THEM:
All the squawking and hand wringing about Edward Snowden, and Section 702 of FISA, Syria, vaccines, these people are a disgrace to the offices they hold, and a disgrace to their constituents. In Tulsi’s hearing, after her opening statements where she made clear that she disagrees with the way in which Edward Snowden had given up the stolen documents that exposed the NSA’s abuses against American’s, explained that she had changed her position on FISA after recent reforms to the law, and her trip to Syria was done out of concern for the American troops, who we used to care about, she, obviously, still does, they went on to bring up Syria 33 times. They said “Snowden”: 58 times! And they mentioned her position on Section 702 of FISA: 28 times. Just the same in RFK Jr’s hearing in front of the Finance Committee, the “most important of the two hearings” according to those with an understanding of this sort of thing. Bobby, in his opening statement, went into this with grace, expecting both sides to care about American’s health and making us “Healthy Again”. He conceded immediately that he had no intention of taking any vaccines away, he just wants more “safety testing done”, “all of his children are vaccinated”, he was conceding to level with all of their worries and leave the vaccines alone, but they went on to bring up vaccines: 91 times! 91 times! Every one of them asked the same questions over and over, not because there was something they didn’t understand, but because they needed a good clip of them personally asking the same question for campaigning and those annoying fucking text messages, Tik Tok, YouTube, Instagram, anywhere they can post them to bleed $omething else out of the American people! These people are shameless old shrews! Impeach them all! Conscript new ones! That’s replace ‘em using draft cards. President too! If you want to be a politician, you are damaged beyond repair and should be locked away from society! Only a real psychopathic monster signs up for that job but actively campaigning for it too?! Are there six hundred Ted Bundys in DC trying to trick woman into their vans? Maybe not, but they’ll sure kill for a $10,000 check from Pfizer!
All that aside, just a brilliant performance. RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, excellent performances.
Thank you for reading!