Confirmation Week is a Mutha, Part Two (CONFIRM THOSE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS NOW!)
KA$H Takes the Stage, and RFK Jr, DAY TWO
**If you missed part one you can find it here or click the link below.
***Something I should make clear right now that I am not sure people understand, I didn’t understand this, in these hearings the witness is sworn in, which means if it’s found that the witness is lying or being dishonest, they can/will charge him with contempt. If you think, well Donald Trump won’t let that happen, they did it before, they did it to Roger Stone, while Trump was in office, they did it to Steve Bannon, and they did it to Peter Navarro. They threatened our own
, when THEY were mistaken, that’s one of the reasons they ask the same question over and over. They want to catch the witness changing their answers, and they want a clip of them saying the thing that people want to know, or they think they want to know, they all post the clips on social media and add them to their fundraising & campaigning messages. I get them from Rand Paul’s campaign all the time. That’s also why they ask witnesses to commit to things, because when they commit to it under oath, it is legally binding.“You fool!” I snorted. “If Teddy Roosevelt were alive today, he’d be so ashamed of this country, he’d slit his own wrists…
“It would be easy to say that we owe it all to the Bush Family, from Texas, but that would be too simplistic. They’re only errand boys for the vengeful, bloodthirsty, cartel of raving Jesus freaks, and super-rich money mongers who have ruled this country for at least the last twenty years, and arguably for the past two hundred! They take orders well, and they don’t ask too many questions. The real power in America, is held by a fast-emerging new oligarchy of pimps and preachers, who see no need for Democracy, or fairness, or even trees! Except, maybe the ones in their own yards…
Their ideal solution to all the world’s problems, would be another one-hundred-year war…
Freedom was yesterday in this country; Its value has been discounted. The only freedom we truly crave today, is freedom from dumbness…
Hunter S. Thompson, 2001, Kingdom of Fear
Things are bad, there’s no denying it. The FBI has gravely abused it’s power, threatening not only the rule-of-law, but the very foundations of self-government at the root of our democracy, but this isn’t the end of the story. Change is possible at the FBI and desperately needed. The fact is that we need a federal agency that investigates federal crimes, and that agency will always be a risk of having its powers abused. So, we must be constantly on guard, instituting reforms, removing wrongdoers, and erecting guardrails to stop the politicization of the FBI. Enacting these reforms won’t be easy, but curbing the rise of government tyranny never is. We must always remember that no matter how much corrupt actors have twisted our government, America is ruled by the people, and We have the authority and obligation to take our country back.
Ka$h Patel, Government Gangsters
I don’t know much about this guy except what I read in his book, Government Gangster’s. I must admit the gall it has to take to write that book and then take the position he took of reforming the FBI to protect the people, Kash Patel is who we need in this position. It’s time for the FBI to feel some of the scrutiny it has placed on the American people since its inception. They need a gangster from the opposition’s side to go in there and tear some shit up. The same FBI that murdered 83 innocent people in Waco, Texas, fucking burned them alive. Locked them in a box and sentenced them to death, woman, children, and innocent men, the same FBI that did that, is the same FBI that blackmailed Dr. Martin Luther King, surveilling him for a year before killing him, is the same FBI that framed a sitting president for Treason, the same FBI who surveilled parents at PTO meetings, the same FBI who surveilled Christians who dared to attend church during COVID, Muslims going to Mosques, whistleblowers who spoke out against civil rights abuses, the list is LONG! This is the same FBI that Kash Patel is stepping into, daring to make a change. God bless him, he’s just the autistic intellectual we need. They are gangsters for the government, he’s a gangster for the people, my prayers are with him, it’s gonna be tough.
The Hearing starts with Senator Grassley (Chairmen). He does an 8 Mile and says literally every smear they’re about to hit him with and explains why they’re untrue.
Then Durbin, ranking member, and first squawking hen. Pretty horrible, his line of questioning was basically blaming Kash for Trump pardoning the J6 defendants. One of his grievances was one of the J6 defendants, who had abused a child, but that had nothing to do with January 6th. If this man had abused a child…why was he out of prison to attend the riot??? It wasn’t a pardon, how’d he get out of prison? Regardless, he is dead now. He got pulled over, resisted arrest, and was killed by a cop. A coworker told me about this when it happened, and he asked the same thing I was thinking, “Do you think it had something to do with him getting pardoned? Makes me wonder. He then went on to call him a racist for appearing on a questionable podcast.
Senator Whitehouse, same thing, all about pardons, but it pissed me off especially because he used Ross Ulbricht’s pardon, and used the lies that were made up about Ross as a weapon:
I feel I should make a couple points on Ross’ behalf:
What Ross did, pure and simple, was made a website where he could sell things, otherwise not available, and being an early believer in Bitcoin, the transactions would be done with Bitcoin to make them untraceable. A decentralized marketplace, if you will. He started it by selling psilocybin mushrooms that he grew himself in his closet. He set it up so that people could rate and review different buyers and sellers for an incentive to do good business. Kind of how it is on the streets, if someone sells you fake shit, you don’t go back to them. Anyways, there was rules, even the Silk Road had a Terms of Service, one of them being, you could not list any items that “harm or defraud”.
The FBI (you remember them?), had hacked into the Silk Road, were undercover as users, began intercepting payments of Bitcoin, stealing millions of dollars, laundering it using the Silk Road and keeping it for themselves. They, without any evidence, claimed he was part of a murder-for-hire scheme, and while they were busy stealing money from Silk Road, another department stepped in and busted him, they used the “Murder-for-Hire” accusation to keep him from getting out on bail, when it came down to trial time, no one had any evidence supporting those, most salacious accusations, so they disappeared, but regardless, to make an example out of him, the Judge sentenced him to Two Consecutive Life Sentences, plus Fourty Years. By the way, the FBI agents who were stealing money, and a big part of who made this so bad for him, were arrested for wire fraud, money laundering, extortion, and obstruction and were sentenced to 78 months in federal prison. For more on this case, a great site with all the primary documents, just a great source, click here. Now, back to our regular programming:
Amy Globe-Butcher, known for one dumb joke she tells everywhere, being a hysterical monster, and pushing censorship far and wide! Also, from part one, she’s in the big five of being bought and paid for by Big Pharma, so there is that…
By the way, same Amy:
Also, if Taibbi says “You Suck”, then YOOOOOOU SUHCKKKK!!!! The following is Amy requesting that Amazon bans……..Wait, who?! Rumble and us here, our very own Substack!!! TO THE GULAG! THE HAGUE WITH THAT GREMLIN-FACED BITCH! No, cut her in half, straight down the middle, and put her left side in the Hague, and right side to the Gulag!
Ugh! I really dislike that woman.
An Ugly, Dirty, Dark Consensus
Our nation's capital is stocked with the dirtiest, most corrupt creatures to ever grace the swamp sludge, and seem to be darker and more nefarious than the most cynical of us, idealistic souls, could have ever imagined. How do they get elected, I mean really. This is why Epstein was able to pull the wool for such a long time, with his blackmail operation. These people are so dirty, they thought he was a good guy!
They get these people to give up on principles that was once the backbone of who they were. It’s a fucking hazing ritual, I hope Tulsi, Kash, and Bobby know this, in fact I know they do. I heard enough between the three to get the feeling that they knew it would be like this and were ready. They make all of the nominees give up something crucial to who they are for this confirmation, they know that they’re getting zero support from the blue side no matter what they say. They’ve simply gotta play nice enough to get the Republicans who are too moderate for their own good, to join in with the rest of the red team and they’ve got this ship sunk.
Why else would these people still be so hung up on Edward Snowden? The Snowden story was big damn near 15 years ago, no one cares anymore, everyone I know, veterans, and all, considered Snowden to be a hero. As do I. Why are these people still in such a panic over this? Someone is either telling them to be or this is simply how they wield power, by degrading the person they are attempting to wield power over. Stanford Prison Experiment type shit.
And Section 702 of FISA, or support for FISA period, seems to be such a dug-in belief in Congress, completely bipartisan, I started to believe it myself. Tulsi flipped on it, I thought, well she cares about freedom, how can I pretend to know more than her about this? I heard for two days from every Senator that 702 had been reformed for the better and was a wonderful program by the more authoritarian types, maybe they all knew something I didn’t, then it came to Mike Lee, arguably the most well-educated on the constitution out of all of them. He’s literally a constitutional scholar, and he’s the only one to express a negative view of 702. Then Kash chimes in, citing the exact number of American complaints over the abuses and misuses of 702, that’s when I learned all I needed to know about these hearings. Just like any job interview, the point is to say whatever you have to, to get the job. Make the interviewer happy so he/she lets you advance in the hiring stage. What you actually believe can be worked out once you get the job. The point is to get your foot in the door, then there is lots of work to be done. Maybe it won’t come up, but you can’t change shit from the sidewalk! What I’m trying to say is FISA, still bad. Enough of my rambling, on to Bobby, part two.
RFK Jr.-Day TWO:
It was refreshing hearing Senator Kim mentioning Medication-Assisted Therapy for opiates and Bobby having a clear understanding of it, being that, without it, I might not be here today, it’s towards the end of the hearing, I couldn't find a clip of it, but hat’s off to Senator Rand Paul. Right at the beginning, after the Chairman-Ranking Member/Good Cop-Bad Cop routine that it seems every one of these hearings do. Very proud to be represented by him as my Senator here in Kentucky. He stole the hearing, to me anyways.
, who attended this hearing as a journalist, and discussed it afterwards on his weekly show with , and in an appearance on the Dark Horse Podcast w/ Brett Weinstein, described seeing the degree of shilling for Big Pharma as tracking perfectly with the amount of their campaign contributions on from the industry they were defending, and after pouring through these hearings several times and comparing them to OpenSecrets open secret, I can attest to that fully and completely. Top spots going to Bernie Sanders, Ron Wyden, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Globe-Butcher falling right behind them, and the rest of the Democratic party, and Republican centrists come after the big four.I think the discussion over vaccines is so oversimplified and dumbed down that we never get to real truths, and its why people up here are so separated from real people at home. So, we talk about Hepatitis B, it's a terrible disease, “it could lead to liver failure”, the chairman said, but the reason you have distrust from people at home, and why they don't believe anything you say, and they don't believe government at all! Is you're telling your—my kid to take a hepatitis B vaccine when he's one day old! You get it through drug use, and sexually transmitted, that's how you get Hepatitis B, but you're telling me my kid has to take it at one day old!? You're not, that's not science, and so every person with a bit of Common Sense, even people who don't resist vaccines—I vaccinated all my kids, I believe vaccines are one of the modern miracles, beyond all pale, “The Speckled Monsters” is a great book about the introduction of the smallpox vaccine in 1720, into our country—All miracles, but I'm not, one size fits all, it's not all or nothing, I chose to wait on my hepatitis B vaccine and—we did it, when they went to school. Does that make me an awful person? Does that make me an antivaxxer? Because I questioned the government dictate of whether I do it—and I'm not speaking for anybody else, I'm only speaking for myself, but for goodness sakes, let's have an honest debate about these things! The covid vaccine, if you ask me my opinion, there’re reporters who run, up and down the soil, and they say, “you still antivaccine?” No, I'm Pro vaccine, but on the covid vaccine, and on the covid illness, there was a thousand-fold or more difference between the elderly and children, if you don't acknowledge that you're committing malpractice…
…the science actually shows that no healthy child in America died from covid, look it up, no healthy child died from covid…
…. the risks of the disease were real and much greater than the vaccine, but if you ask me, “should my healthy six-month old get it?” See, these are the nuances you're unwilling to talk about, because there's such a belief in submission! Submit to the government, do what you're told, there is no discussion! There ought to be a debate, you're not going to let him have the debate, you're just going to criticize him and say, “it is this” and “admit to it or we're not going to appoint you”, but it's more complicated than that…
Also, Nicole Shanahan has bottomless pockets and she’s coming for all their asses.
Something else that I wouldn’t have realized if it wasn’t for
’s analysis of what he saw that day in the hearing. It should have been obvious after the many of these that I have watched, is this was an act. Not for the person being confirmed either, this for each and every one of those Senators on the dais was one of their very limited opportunities to campaign. To solicit for their donors, and one of the things their donors are buying for their money. Pharmaceutical donors, a vote against Kennedy protects their interests, weapons/defense companies, you can fucking bet bought that vote against Tulsi. Their line of questioning. How often do they get this many eyes on them. There’s not that many political junkie’s out there that watch congressional hearings with surround sound, a bag of popcorn, and a notepad, like the new season of Squid Game just dropped. It’s very limited, and the Super Bowl, like we had this go around, well this was their biggest event in ages!By the end of this hearing, after two days of being polite and respectful, and doing his best to play ball, even when most of these people are nasty human beings, treating him like dirt. Accusing him of grift and graft, racism, antisemitism, rape, murder, there’s not an accusation they didn’t make about this guy! If he was guilty of everything they accused him of, he’d be in fucking prison. You could say, “he’s rich! He could pay his way out!” But I’m sorry, rich criminals don’t go after those richer than them! If he was guilty of all they accused him of, all his money would not save him!
Senator Alsobrooks called him a racist and accused him of having a “watchlist”. Ugh! “I ask the questions!” Fuck that lady for-ever!
Then Bernie, day two, I am continuously heartbroken by this man. He invokes Andrew Wakefield, who was the most controversial researcher on vaccines, then this exchange happens:
You said you would not be happier if you were proved wrong. Uh, Mr. Chairman, I asked to put into the record 16 studies done by, uh, scientists and doctors all over the world saying that vaccines do not cause autism. Are you happy with that?
And then goes on to demand a yes or no answer! That’s the most infuriating part of all of these hearings, they do it all of the time, they get someone in who is actually smart, unlike them, then ask them complicated questions and demand a yes or no answer! I’d go to jail for contempt, it’s the only honorable way to walk away from these snakes! I’d continue yelling my answer at the top of my lungs over top of them speaking if they cut me off with that yes or no bullshit. It makes me sooooooo fucking mad!!!!
Anyways, this last exchange is at the end of the second grueling day with these ghouls and Bobby gets his soundbite in this time:
Bobby: I'm going to make America healthier than other countries in the world right now—
Bernie: —Will you guarantee to do what every other major country does. It's a simple question Bobby—
Bobby: —and by the way, Bernie, you know, the, the problem of corruption is not just in the federal agencies, it's, it's in Congress too. Almost all the members of this panel are accepting, including yourself, or accepting millions, millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry, and protecting their interests—
***Cheers From the Crowd***
Bernie —no, no, no, I thought that that would, no, no, no. I ran for president like you. I got millions and millions of contributions. They did not come from the executives, not one nickel of PAC money from the pharmaceutical industry, they came from workers.
Bobby: In 2020, you were the single largest receiver of pharmaceutical money—
Bernie: (yelling over top of Bobby so we can’t hear him, but we heard him) —from workers all over this country. Workers. not a nickel from corporate PACs
Bobby: Bernie, you were the single largest accepter of pharmaceutical dollars—
Bernie: Yeeea, from workers in—
Bobby: $1.5 Million.
Bernie: Yea, out of 200 million. Alright.
Bernie literally gave in that Bobby was right. This was my Jump up and down TOUCHDOWN moment in this hearing. By the way, I love the sentiment of “Medicare for all”, but the idea that Bernie is expecting RFK Jr to make that happen in a Republican Administration is insane. You know who could have made it happen? Bernie! On like 10 other occasions when he conceded the chance to Obama, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, he had so many chances to push Medicare for ALL in and he conceded to the powerful for whatever it is that the string-pullers have on him. He’s been a let down to the American people who believed in him for decades, now he expects Robert Kennedy to storm into the White House and demand something that, is one of his talking points, but he wouldn’t do himself. Thanks Bernie.
I'll end this with the words of the wise
:Don't grow cynical. The time is now. Much is coming to light. This nomination drama expresses on a human scale a much larger, more consequential struggle that will affect you, your family, and your neighbors for years and decades to come. I am here in DC, missing my home in Montana, because when it was time to get on a plane ten days ago, I realized that by staying a bit longer I could provide a valuable service to those who aren't here. I could get in the rooms, talk to the people, observe the behavior, catch the moods. It's a somewhat sealed world, our capital, and this is a time of genuine stress and change here and, I can assure you, opportunity. Remarkable people have emerged who are seeking leadership positions despite a retrenched and arrogant opposition that will do almost anything to wield its power. And you can make a real difference in this push, I can tell you this for a fact tonight. So do it. Don't lose heart. The door is open. Tomorrow, do something—place a call, perhaps—to open it further. Can't you see the brightness? That's our future on the other side.
Thank you for reading.