Democrats Care About Whistleblowers Again Now That They're not the Ones Getting "Blown" Part Two
Joe Biden's America
2020’s and ON
Yes, there was a few whistleblower problems in Trump’s first term, but nothing like the democrats, during Obama/Biden & Biden/Harris regimes. And now that they are out of power, they are expressing these insane symbols of sympathy. You motherfucker’s, where were you at during COVID when this was happening:
In a shocking trove of emails obtained by the subcommittee, Fauci’s former senior adviser at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. David Morens, admitted to using a private account to evade Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests about EcoHealth’s Wuhan grant, claimed he deleted records related to it — and said he helped his boss to do the same through a “secret back channel.”
“At one point, Dr. Morens said that he never talked to Tony Fauci about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance,” Wenstrup said in reference to Morens’ congressional testimony of May 22, in which he confirmed the emails were sent but dismissed them as “jokes.”
“But he did do that, and we have the proof of that now, and he talks about how he did,” he added of the more than 30,000 records Morens handed over.
When asked whether Fauci’s two-day transcribed interview from January with the COVID subcommittee also included false claims about not being “involved” in EcoHealth’s funding of gain-of-function research, Wenstrup would only say: “Somebody’s not telling the truth.”
Fauci, 83, said at the time that he did not “recall any specific interaction” with Daszak before the pandemic — and denied having “back-and-forth discussions” with EcoHealth’s president.
But the Morens emails reveal the ex-Biden White House medical adviser expressing “concern” for Daszak and the suspension of EcoHealth’s research grant.
They were too busy maligning dissenting views to make the other side seem like the enemy. They also called this» disinformation:
A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.
NIH senior adviser Dr. David Morens improperly conducted official government business from his private email account and solicited help from the NIH’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office to dodge records requests, according to emails revealed in a memo by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which The Post obtained Wednesday.
“[I] learned from our foia [sic] lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d [sic] but before the search starts,” Morens wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021, email. “Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail [sic].”
The CIA intervened to protect Hunter Biden from an IRS whistleblower, by the way, the guy wasn’t, like, robbing him or committing some kind of violence against him, that’s not the protection he needed, the CIA protected him from the IRS telling the truth:
(r)evealed that a whistleblower disclosed to the Committees that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) intervened to stop the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from interviewing Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden.
According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Kevin Morris, the CIA intervened to stop the interview. The CIA allegedly summoned two DOJ officials to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness in the investigation. It is unknown why or on what basis the CIA allegedly intervened to prevent investigators from interviewing Mr. Morris. However, these allegations track with other evidence that shows how the DOJ deviated from its standard investigative practices during the investigation of Hunter Biden.
Or else, right? What if he defied them and testified anyways? It’s the fucking CIA; That’s a threat in its own. In the words of the “great” Chuck Schumer, “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
On November 4, 2022, a 1,050-page Republican Staff Report from the Committee on the Judiciary, in the U.S. House of Representatives was released titled “FBI WHISTLEBLOWERS: WHAT THEIR DISCLOSURES INDICATE ABOUT THE POLITICIZATION OF THE FBI AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT” which explained, after an investigation on this topic, that not only had the FBI become a tool of political power supporting the “democrat elite”, but they had also retaliated politically and personally against whistleblowers exposing this corruption.
That report contained a page that was basically the same premise that Chuck Schumer put out there which brought me down this road three days ago:
Key Takeaways:
The FBI is artificially inflating statistics about domestic violent extremism in the nation.
Whistleblowers have described how FBI leadership is pressuring line agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism even if the matter does not meet the criteria.
They also explained how the FBI is misrepresenting the scale of domestic violent extremism nationwide by categorizing January 6th-related investigations as organic cases stemming from local field offices, instead of all related to one single incident. In both ways, the FBI is fueling the Biden Administration’s narrative that domestic violent extremism is the biggest threat to our nation.
The FBI is abusing its counterterrorism authorities to investigate parents who spoke at school board meetings.
Whistleblowers disclosed how, shortly after the National School Boards Association urged President Biden to use the Patriot Act against American parents, the FBI Counterterrorism Division set up a special “threat tag” to track school board-related cases. Whistleblowers provided evidence of how the FBI opened investigations into one mom for allegedly telling a local school board “we are coming for you” and a dad simply because he “rails against the government” and “has a lot of guns.”
The FBI has abused its foreign intelligence authorities to spy on American citizens, including people associated with the campaign of President Trump in 2016.
These facts have been documented in Inspector General reports and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinions, but there is little indication the FBI has changed—or is willing to change—course.
The FBI is clearing the Bureau of employees who dissent from its woke, leftist agenda.
The FBI is actively seeking to “purge” FBI employees holding conservative views—or, in President Biden’s view, those who are a “threat to American democracy”1— because they hold conservative views. The FBI has even taken retaliatory actions against at least one whistleblower who has spoken out.
Whistleblowers have explained how the FBI’s “political meddling” “is dragging the criminal side [of the Bureau] down” as resources are “pulled away” from real law enforcement duties.
As a prime example, one whistleblower described how he was “told that child sexual abuse material investigations were no longer an FBI priority and should be referred to local law enforcement agencies” so that he could work on a Washington directed politically charged case instead. Such a mis-prioritization is not only a dereliction of duty, but it is a grave disservice to the victims of crimes that do not advance the FBI’s political agenda
In a subsequent report on May 18, 2023, named “FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY HIGHLIGHTS GOVERNMENT ABUSE, MISALLOCATION OF RESOURCES, AND RETALIATION” Interim Staff Report of “Committee on the Judiciary” and the “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government” (Jim Jordan’s Committee), they found:
The FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) pressured a field office in Boston, Massachusetts, to open investigations on 138 individuals who traveled to Washington, D.C., to exercise their First Amendment rights on January 6, 2021, with no specific indication that these people were involved in any way in criminal activity.
The only basis for investigating these people was that they shared buses to Washington with two individuals who entered restricted areas of the Capitol that day.
Rather than limiting the investigation to just the two people who entered restricted areas, the WFO instructed the Boston Field Office to open investigations on all 140 individuals who attended the political rally.
In response to the WFO’s pressure to open investigations into all 140 individuals, the Boston Field Office asked the WFO for more evidence, including video from the Capitol, to properly predicate the investigations.
The WFO provided pictures of the two individuals inside the Capitol; however, the WFO refused to provide video evidence from the Capitol out of fear it would disclose undercover officers or confidential human sources inside the Capitol.
Shortly after the events of January 6, 2021, Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI with confidential customer data—voluntarily and without any legal process.
BoA gave WFO a list of individuals who had made transactions in the Washington, D.C. area using a BoA product between January 5 and January 7, 2021.
Individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA product were reportedly elevated to the top of the list
FBI leadership pressured agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism (DVE) and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist, while manipulating its case categorization system to create the perception that DVE is organically rising around the country.
The FBI dispenses cash bonuses to local field office leadership for meeting certain arbitrary metrics and performance goals.
This bonus structure creates perverse incentives for the FBI to utilize law-enforcement tools and resources where they may not be needed or appropriate in order for FBI leadership to benefit financially.
The four FBI whistleblowers who testified to these disclosures are —Special Agents: Garret O’Boyle and Stephen Friend; Supervisory Intelligence Analyst: George Hill; and Staff Operations Specialist: Marcus Allen.
In 2023, Congressman Jim Jordan’s Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and we got to meet the men behind the disclosures, and they did not disappoint. They are solid, principled, hard-working Americans who believe in the Constitution. During their time in the FBI, they seen a shift in the culture of the FBI towards a more politicized, more partisan bureau. The Bureau was being used as a ploy for political gain, as it had been during the early years of the FBI, with J. Edgar Hoover at the helm.
They each spoke out independent of each other, through the correct “legal channels,” expressing all of the different nefarious ways, that the FBI was violating the trust of the American people and their vows to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
So, of course the Democrats in this committee loved and respected these four men and there was a fruitful discussion between both sides, and through this hearing they fostered solutions to reform the FBI, right?
Unfortunately, not. In this hearing, at every opportunity the democrats smeared and attacked these men relentlessly! But first, what kind of pushback did they receive at the FBI?
A recurring theme is that the FBI has violated federal whistleblower protection laws and abused its security clearance review process to hamstring the brave agents who exercise their right to make protected disclosures to Congress or who dared to question agency leadership.
Special Agent O’Boyle made protected disclosures to his Supervisory Special Agent about potentially illegal activity, and the FBI transferred him to a new unit that required him to move his family across-country.
When O’Boyle arrived for his first day, the FBI placed him on unpaid, indefinite suspension, effectively rendering his “family homeless” and leaving them without any personal effects—including his young children’s clothing—because these items were in FBI storage.
Likewise, in Special Agent Friend’s case, the FBI suspended his security clearance after making protected disclosures.
This suspension rendered Friend unable to fulfill his duties as a special agent—thus, the FBI suspended him indefinitely.
While on suspension, the FBI refused to allow Friend to obtain outside employment, leaving his family without income.
In Staff Operations Specialist Allen’s case, the FBI suspended his security clearance for simply performing duties of his job—conducting case-related research using open-source news articles and videos and sending his search results to his task force colleagues.
So, what did they actually do? They pushed back when they were told to surveil parents at PTO meetings. They were pressured to reclassify these parents as “Domestic Terrorists”. The FBI turned parents into “Timothy McVeigh’s!!”
And instead of trying to get to the bottom of it, the democrats said they were, basically, traitors. Accused them of spreading “Putin Propaganda”, real ugly shit. And said that the agency, they were there to blow the whistle on said they were NOT whistleblowers, therefore it must be right.
Seeing Democrats, the party of “Fuck the man”, now submitting to the FBI in a whistleblower case, is pretty embarrassing. This is what they were up to when they were in power.
Maybe that’s the point. The party in power is always the most oppressive. We’ll have to see how the new Trump administration handles shit like this, but it seems they’ve flipped. No matter what the issue is the democrats in Congress are the new scolds.
We’ll see if now that Trump is in office, the Republicans will now be the scolds. We'll see. We’ll close on this, the speech that really stole the day was Ms. CAMMACK, with this fiery speech:
So, I think it’s clear we have a pattern here.
If you speak up about the abuses you are seeing as an agent or are sharing information that may not fall in line with the FBI’s political narrative, you will be suspended without pay, have your security clearance revoked, and your life will be turned upside-down.
It’s pretty clear what the MO is:
If you don’t comply, they will retaliate.
If you don’t agree with the political agenda, you get suspended.
They do it in such a way to deter others from speaking up and speaking out. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the weaponization of government. That is the weaponization of government.
That is why we are here today.
Not because we have a political agenda.
Not because we are here to go over events of the past.
We want to fix it.
We have to expose it, stop it, and prevent it from happening again. That is why we are here.
These men are whistleblowers.
The gentlemen who came before us in previous hearings, they were journalists.
Just because you don’t address them as such does not mean that they are not who they say they are. They have been retaliated against. Regardless of your party affiliation, this behavior is unacceptable, and we need to stop it. Republicans, Democrats, independents alike, this is a concern we should all share. This is the weaponization of government. It is our job, our constitutional duty, to stop it. With that, I yield back.
You can see why people vote for her, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, however, not so much.
And Finally! The Press or the Police, WHO ARE YOU?
Jack Teixeira, infamously known as the “Discord Leaker”, was in the National Guard in the Guardsmen and obviously did work in the Pentagon. Very young, maybe 18, or 20, was stealing documents, the documents showed that actually Ukraine wasn't doing as well as was being reported by corporate media, and officials who definitely knew better. As a brag or to show off, I guess, Jack was posting these documents in his Discord, which is an online chat room, people build their own little Discord communities, it's really big in the gaming world.
So, he’s not a whistleblower, but he is posting newsworthy documents online and any reporter worth their salt is gonna take the information, write a story on it, maybe the FBI will catch wind of your story and investigate, but no, not our media. Our media refused to report on it, besides the more independent outlets. The NYT & the Washington Post, with Russiagate sycophants at Bellingcat, however, joined the authorities in the search for the kid, which led to his arrest and subsequent 15-year sentence in Federal prison. The outlets who did this also made statements behind the scenes rejecting what they called the “Pentagon Papers Principle”, which is “if it's newsworthy, print it!”
covered this at the time:It’s an awful look for the press. This isn’t tracking down a serial killer or exposing Enron’s fraud. The alleged “crime” here is releasing true information, information that belongs to the American public and is secret only by official designation. At most, a newspaper might decide not to publish such information, but to help jail the leaker? It’s nuts. Reporters are supposed to be interested in everything and listen to information without judgment, like doctors, yet the whole industry is working itself into a moral frenzy because a bunch of overgrown Minecraft enthusiasts were privately passing around a few truths like a joint.
The papers even made a show of using huge newsroom posses to effect capture. One 1400-word Times piece, “A Quick Guide to what the Leaked U.S. Intelligence Documents Say,” was credited to 13 people: lead writer Eric Nagourney, with contributions from Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt, Julian E. Barnes, Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Michael Schwirtz, David E. Sanger, Ivan Nechepurenko, Anton Troianovski, Aric Toler, Christiaan Triebert, Malachy Browne and Chris Buckley.
The fascinating name was Toler’s. In “Finding the Pentagon Leaker”, the Times identified the figure who apparently did most of the sleuthing only as “a freelance reporter who works with us,” but provided a hyperlink showing his day job: director of “research and training” for the absurd intel community cutout Bellingcat.
For the Times, this symbolized a complete turnaround from just 12 years ago, when it partnered with Julian Assange to print “The War Logs,” a far more damaging set of leaks. Just one of those Wikileaks-based stories, “Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert,” was probably more impactful than all the Teixeira docs combined. It described how officials in Pakistan, an ostensible American ally receiving over $1 billion from the U.S. for aid in fighting “militants,” was holding “secret strategy sessions” with the Taliban, to help organize “networks… that fight against American soldiers.”
He goes on to say, “the fact remained that the 2010 Times emphasized the newsworthiness of the leaks, not the crime of leaking.”
Glenn does great work on this too:
But in the case of Jack Teixeira, they dismissed all journalistic integrity and played vigilante justice helping the authorities, in this case the FBI, nab the guy. When pondering how they came to this decision it’s suitable to ask two questions, why would they do this? And how, would they justify it? The “why in this, if I was to guess—and what other choice is tyer the documents hurt the war effort, and the media is owned, at least in part, by the Military-Industrial Complex.
The same time that FBI resources were being committed to a nationwide manhunt in search of the “Discord Leaker”, the corporate press was running cover for them. Publishing hit pieces on anyone who dared to do stories on the contents of those documents, no matter how newsworthy it was. And if that wasn't infuriating enough, not a day after Mr. Jack was in custody they started publishing stories on the documents themselves. Check out the timeline,
Documents hit independent news showing that what we were being told about Ukraine wasn't so.
Corporate media teams up with intelligence community cutout Bellingcat and the FBI to point out the perpetrator. In the meantime, attacking independent news outlets who reported on the documents.
Jack Teixeira is located and arrested thanks to a collab of corporate news, intelligence community, and FBI.
Those same agencies, then, start reporting on the documents that they had attacked independent media for talking about.
Corporate news is always a steppingstone for the powerful, always, this is why when they're bought by people like Jeff Bezos or Roger Ailes, the news coverage doesn't change. They were already handling the news in a way that bows down to the Bezos, and Soros of the world. Their agenda was already baked in, or they wouldn't have become successful. But this dynamic is changing, the people are awake to this nonsense and finally have a vote. Whether it be through buying subscriptions, sharing an article, whatever. The people are choosing what media they want to follow and repeatedly it comes down to this. Who is telling them the truth. Who is saying what they actually feel, and who is writing from a script, carefully dulled, demoralized, and fact-checked by their corporate masters. And as you should expect the former crushes the latter. It’s what I’m looking for, it’s what we’re all looking for. This is pretty far from where this piece started, but we knew the answer to that anyways, right? If Democrats end up in power they’ll return to prosecuting whistleblowers. That’s the name of the game.
Thank you for reading!