As someone who hated police and authority as a young person, and memorized every word to “Colt 45” by Afroman(although those lyrics make me blush nowadays and I’d NEVER sing them out loud) an outrageous story of police STUPIDITY still puts me at attention, ready to dive straight off the cliff! This story is so fucking outrageous! So, here goes, reporting by Vice, The Guardian, and Excerpted below from Reason:
When sheriff's deputies in Adams County, Ohio, raided Afroman's house last year, they were looking for more than just marijuana, which the rapper is famously fond of. The deputies were searching for evidence of outlandish claims from a confidential informant that the house contained a basement dungeon.
The Adams County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) executed a search warrant on Afroman's house last August on suspicion of drug possession, drug trafficking, and kidnapping. Afroman was not charged with a crime, and the kidnapping angle was never explained. But now, public records obtained by Arthur West, a public records advocate, and provided to Reason shed more light on the raid, which has since led to a bitter legal battle between Afroman and the ACSO deputies.
According to the search warrant affidavit, the Adams County Sheriff's Office received a tip from a confidential informant that Joseph Foreman, better known as Afroman, was not only trafficking large amounts of marijuana, but he also "has a basement, referred to as 'the dungeon' in which he…keeps women locked in, forcing them to urinate and defecate in a bucket as punishment for upsetting or disobeying him."
So, reading that you must think, “Oh Afroman is about to get they asses”, WRONG! These spineless motherfuckers should have NOTHING to say except, “I am SO sorry sir, is there anything we can do, maybe, a police escort to the grocery store, or we’ll give you free security for your next local show?!” Maybe that’s a big ask, but an apology would’ve been nice.
Body camera footage of the raid shows the deputies—after the initial excitement of busting down the front door—ambling through Afroman's house, rifling through his clothes and CDs, and trying to find false walls and secret rooms.
But the hourslong search turned up no evidence to corroborate the claim of a basement dungeon. Part of the problem may have been that, as Afroman's record label told Vice, the house did not have a basement.
There was no big stash of weed either. According to search warrant documents, deputies recovered a glass jar containing "green leafy vegetation" (shake, according to deputies on the body camera footage), THC wax, and several pipes.
The deputies also seized more than $5,000 in cash, which they were ultimately forced to return. (The returned amount was $400 short, which an investigation later determined was due to a counting error by deputies.)
Reason has extensively written about how police departments use unreliable confidential informants and unverified tips to launch violent, unconstitutional raids.
In a statement to Reason on Afroman's behalf, Adam "Dot" Muniz, the director of operations for Music Access Inc., Afroman's distributor, says the search warrant's allegations are "entirely false. If there was any indication they were true, he would have been arrested during the unlawful police raid."
Afroman has yet to be charged with any crime. He subsequently used surveillance footage of the raid and cellphone video taken by his wife to lampoon the ACSO deputies. He released two music videos for songs mocking the cops, "Lemon Pound Cake" and "Will You Help Me Repair My Door." He also sold merchandise with images of the deputies and used the footage to promote his products and tours.
The mockery offended the deputies so much that seven of them filed a lawsuit against Afroman in March. The deputies argue Afroman used their personas for commercial purposes without permission, causing them to suffer "embarrassment, ridicule, emotional distress, humiliation, and loss of reputation."
Which I’m sure they did, also, THEY FUCKING DESERVED IT! It’s amazing he was able to capitalize off of them for once instead of them capalizing off all of us! They were paid to invade his privacy, so in turn, he made some money capitalizing off of them. If there was any real evidence behind the raid I could see them being a little bit upset, not really though, but there wasn’t. There was a random confidential call made asserting that he had woman locked in his basement, referred to as a dungeon, here’s the statement according to court documents:
From the Guardian:
Police officers who conducted a botched armed raid of rapper Afroman’s home last year have filed a lawsuit against him for invasion of privacy and emotional distress after he used footage of it in his music videos.
I included this one because it’s the one that made me for real livid. They are suing him for invasion of privacy when what really happened is they illegally invaded his privacy! This is some Orwellian bullshit if I’ve ever seen it.
So I ran across this story after watching an interview with Afroman on Louder With Crowder, not a show I frequent often, but then how often do they have a rapper from my childhood on.
He was on to talk about his new remix to a classic “Hunter Got High”. Which was hilariously done, if you haven’t heard it I’ll include it below. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t know what Afroman looked like, I pictured him as more Dave Chappelle sized, so when I seen this song in my timeline I didn’t think it was really him, so I scrolled on past it. But it’s real, and his take on Hunter Biden in this interview was AMAZING!
“Biden passed a crime bill, got a lot of black people locked up in prison, yeah, you know. A little crack residue and, man you was on the yard, with the Mexican Mafia man, good Lord. You know, and here this guy is like, you know, smoking crack! You know, I don't even smokcrack, I smoke weed and everything, but I just watched a whole lot of people go to prison, you know what I'm saying, and then, even Kamala Harris was complaining about, you know, some kind of bus system. I think he kind of chose her to make up for something… I got too, I got high, something, I was with Hunter and, I don't remember. but I just think about how like, I get raided for weed and this dude, smokes crack, all in the white house and, find it too, right, yeah you know, and I'm not mad at him. I don't want nothing bad to happen to him. I'm just saying like, knock it off, if you're going to let this dude, get away with all of this, let me smoke my weed, decriminalize marijuana, federally.”
I know it gets a little wild there, but the basis stands. What I’ve learned in my life is that critical times and critical positions we take against people come back to bite you. Rush Limbaugh said drug addicts should be sent to prison, eventually, he became one. I accused a girlfriend of cheating on me and eventually she did, I stole things and in turn lost things, a guy who used to ridicule me and call me a dope fiend, when I was, to make a spectacle of me, one year later that same guy was 150 pounds lighter, and panhandling, we should truly be careful who and how we criticize, because it’s all fun till the rabbits got the gun. Joe Biden disproportionately locked up hundreds of thousands of black and hispanic men and woman with a bill that he helped to author and push, which made crack-cocaine, which is literally the same chemical makeup as cocaine, a classification that placed a Mandaory Minimum Sentence 100-to-1, crack to powder cocaine, 5 grams of crack carries a 5-year-mandatory-minimum, while 500 grams of powder cocaine equals a 5-year-mandatory-minimum. Which Powder was considered a white persons drug and crack was considered a black persons. Listen to this passage:
123 Months is fucking CRAZY for drugs. That means over 10 calendars before even going up for parole. If you were involved in something like this, there is a VERY good chance your son might grow up to be a crackhead, who becomes intimate with his sister-in-law after his brother dies.
It’s insane! They were looking for a “dungeon” the house didn’t even have a basement lol. I guess there could still be a dungeon but they just rushed in based off an anonymous call, dude, maybe when someone is saying something that sounds fake you should probably assume it is at least until you here otherwise, which in this case you wouldn’t because it was FUCKING FAKE! What happened to hearsay being non-admissible. Anyways, thank you for reading.
Didn’t see the hunter got high video when it first came out but since his bs pardon, it ought to be played along with all pardon coverage