Fear and Loathing in the Oval Office: Mr. Zelenskyy has Cashed his Check
Ukraine Minerals Deal as a Carrier Pigeon for Endless War Policies
This Ukraine minerals deal is exploitation of an ally in their time of need, says corporate media and National Security pundits.
European leaders:
“French President Emmanuel Macron posted: ‘There is an aggressor: Russia. There is a victim: Ukraine. We were right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago - and to keep doing so.”’
“Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof said the Netherlands supports Ukraine ‘now more than ever’, adding: ‘We want a lasting peace and an end to the war of aggression started by Russia. For Ukraine and its people, and for Europe.’”
“Germany's outgoing Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote that ‘no one wants peace more than the citizens of Ukraine’, with his replacement-in-waiting Friedrich Merz adding that ‘we stand with Ukraine’ and ‘we must never confuse aggressor and victim in this terrible war.’” All according to the BBC.
These rare earth minerals are a prima facie security agreement, and a way for the American people to get something for the $350 billion dollars in taxes sent to fund this war, says President Trump and officials in his administration.
But if we follow-through with this deal what exactly are we agreeing to? Are we gonna promise a security agreement and then back out when they need us like Britain and France did to Poland in WWII? Or allow ourselves to be dragged in like the Lend-Lease Agreement did to the U.S. in the same war?
If we agree to this security agreement, what kind of security are we talking?
Parents, are you down with your draft-age son and daughter going to war with Russia?
…Diplomacy, JD?
During the Trump/J.D/Zelenskyy blowup in the White House the Ukrainian President was asking the same thing. All the way through the meeting and that’s what led to the blow-up, “What is this diplomacy, J D?”
ZELENSKYY: Yes. But during 2014 till 2022, was the situation the same, that people have been dying on the contact line. Nobody stopped him, that we had conversations with him, a lot of conversations, my bilateral conversation and we signed with him, me like a new president in 2019. I signed with him the deal. I signed with him. Macron and Merkel. We signed ceasefire. Ceasefire. All of them told me that he will never go. We signed him. Guest contract. Guest contract, yes, but after that he broken this cease fire. He killed our people and he didn’t exchange prisoners. We signed the exchange of prisoners, but he didn’t do it. What kind of diplomacy J.D., you are speaking about? What do you mean?
Look, Vladimir Putin is not a good guy by any means, he had other options than invading Ukraine, but Zelenskyy is fu*king lying. He’s not a good guy either. He’d allow the whole world to be blown up and the end of the human race rather than stuff down his pride and reach out for peace.
Zelenskyy is proclaiming, as he does to everyone, that Putin won’t respect any kind of diplomacy when it has been documented for years that the Ukrainian side has been the real bottleneck to every peace settlement that has been attempted between these neighboring countries. It is actually clear—and maybe Zelenskyy was not aware of this being it was on Poroshenko, his predecessor—that Ukraine continued fighting following the signing of the Minsk peace agreements. In the pro-Ukrainian—probably USAID-funded—EuroMaidan Press’ Yuriy Yatsyshyn says:
The Right Sector views the agreements reached with the Kremlin-controlled separatists as contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine and reserves the right to carry on military action, its leader Dmytro Yarosh wrote on his Facebook page Friday.
The agreements signed in Minsk have no legal force, contradict the Constitution, and, therefore, aren’t legally binding on Ukrainian citizens. Besides, Russia and President Putin aren’t going to observe them anyway, Mr. Yarosh points out.
Mr. Yarosh also appealed in his post to President Poroshenko to engage the US and Great Britain in the next round of peace talks, as these two states follow clear-cut anti-Kremlin policies, unlike Germany and France.
…Thus, if the Ukrainian army is ordered to pull back heavy artillery and vehicles and observe a ceasefire, the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps will continue fighting in line with its own campaign planning, until complete liberation of Ukrainian lands from Russian occupants, the Right Sector leader assures.
The Right Sector is calling on the Ukrainian people, authorities and government agencies, the Armed Forces and military volunteer organizations to consolidate efforts in the struggle for Ukraine’s sovereignty against the Kremlin empire, Ukraine’s perpetual enemy.
The statement above is being made under the premise of the Minsk Peace deal. The deal Zelenskyy said Putin refused to follow, but these are statements made by the leader of “The Right Sector”, the least radical of the Ukrainian nationalist and neo-Nazi groups in the fight. Svoboda and Azov being the most notorious.
Why does this matter?
The Ukrainian government is fu*king occupied by Right Sector. Whether you believe the truth (It was a US-backed coup) or not, what is not in dispute is that when it came to the overthrowing of “democratically elected” Ukrainian President Yanukovych in 2014, the “far-right” group Right Sector and Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party took occupation of the government. And when Russia, Germany, France, and Ukrainian President Poroshenko got together to put forward the Minsk Peace deal, the Nazi factions of the Ukrainian government refused to stop fighting, they said “Fuck that agreement! Get the US in here, they’ll get a better deal!” Who knew we had so much street cred with Nazi’s?
Ukraine does have an unprecedented nazi problem. Unlike any country in the world that I am otherwise aware of. There is the Azov Battalion, Right Sector, C14, and the Svoboda Party to name a few. And they are the few involved in the Ukrainian defense department, this is why when Putin first invaded Ukraine in 2022 it was only to my soft western ears that his “Denazification of Ukraine” excuse seemed totally absurd. I know outraged liberals like to call people nazi’s, but they are not, actually. Nazis were a thing that came and gone, ceased to exist past WWII, right? Nope. In fact, they didn’t even leave the continent. And we, here in the Western Hemisphere, love these fu*king nazis! Apparently, the line is killing Russians in place of Jews, that seems to be acceptable.
Many societies, including Russia, have far-right and even racialist militias like Azov and C14. But how many of them outright integrate these forces into their militaries? And how many have a parliament run by them, where even presidents live in fear of fascist mobs outside their doors? How many of their leaders get invited to speak at official U.S. government events, like when C14’s Serhiy Bondar spoke about the group at the U.S.-sponsored America House Kiev? How many socialize with America’s political elite, like when in the summer of 2018 Svoboda’s Parubiy was brought to Washington, D.C., at least twice to visit House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. McCain, and be warmly received by Mike Pompeo’s State Department?
It is also important to understand why this coup led to catastrophe. It was the end of compromise between major factions. The ethnic Ukrainian nationalists who had seized power were determined to make the majority of the people bow to their will or get the hell out if they did not like it. When the east resisted, it was the vanguard of the neo-Nazi right who did not hesitate to wage war against their own population, further solidifying the division between them. Ukrainian Nazis also threatened to murder Bellingcat’s Oleksiy Kuzmenko and Michael Colborne for their journalism on this issue in a way that really showed a lack of appreciation for the nuance with which both men had treated the subject in their writing. —Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine
Several years later the war in the Donbas is still raging on, Putin, of all people, makes a peace offer which is rejected by U.S. foreign policy stooges:
In September 2017, Vladimir Putin proposed a deal to bring in blue-helmet UN peacekeepers to stand on the border zone separating Kiev’s forces from the Donbas rebels. Though the Germans thought the proposal looked promising, the Americans and British rejected the deal. They claimed Putin’s plan was too limited, insisting that peacekeepers must be deployed to the entirety of the Donbas—including the international border that Kiev no longer controlled—or nothing.[842]
But James Sherr of the Royal Institute for International Affairs explained what they were really worried about: not lives, but leverage. He said the Russians knew the U.S. could not accept their proposal as first presented. “A radical question therefore arises: supposing his ultimate gambit is to meet the West’s terms? A full ceasefire comes into effect, UN peacekeepers deploy throughout the territory, and, to all intents and purposes, Russian troops and ‘volunteers’ depart.” He was worried this would be “the perfect trap” because it “would transform the target of pressure from Russia to Ukraine.” Up until then, he said, Kiev had resisted holding elections, despite the terms of Minsk II, under the theory that the Russians’ presence made a fair vote impossible. “Take away the occupation and the conflict, and you take away the argument. You also take away the argument for maintaining (non-Crimea related) sanctions and hand financial responsibility for the welfare of the territories to Kyiv.”[843] In other words, if they came to an agreement to stop the fighting and remove alleged Russian soldiers from the battlefield, that would ruin Kiev’s excuse to continue to ignore the Minsk peace deals. —Provoked
THIS. IS. EVERYTHING! By the way, the excerpts from
’s book Provoked and the last two sources he quotes, American, foreign policy “establishment” sources, were scrubbed from the internet. Fortunately for us and unfortunately for the scrubber, Internet Archive ensures nothing is ever truly scrubbed, and you can find them Here (“Refused” Russian peace proposal) and Here (Why it’s refused).So, back to the present:
If we sign this “Minerals-Security Deal” with Ukraine we are signing up to go to war. These people will never allow there to be peace in the region. It’s like admitting a country into NATO that is currently at war. If they did that it would mean immediately invoking Article 5 and sending all NATO allies to war:
Article 5 provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.
This is why another NATO rule logically follows, that “no country can join NATO while they are at war,” due to Article 5 clashing with Article 8:
Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.
My Position, As A Peace-Loving American
I’ve been wanting to write about this spat since it happened, but I wasn’t sure what my feelings were about it, but after a few days thinking and listening to other takes on it and asking people at work what they thought about it, I realize the only position I could possibly take on this is fu*k Zelenskyy and those minerals.
We are American’s. We want to live happy, peaceful lives. Have fun, raise families, and retire in peace. If Ukraine wants to be at war forever, they can keep the shit. We can’t let them drag us into this!
We already know Zelenskyy is going to use this to his advantage immediately. He’s been all but begging us to join them with boots on the ground against Russia for three years now, and what else could we possibly do to ensure Ukraine’s security, but that? We had the CIA training Ukrainians and giving them intelligence since the Obama administration. We’ve given them every weapon we have to offer, even some that were considered war crimes to use, we’ve even supplied them with F-16’s and the training to operate them, what other security are we guaranteeing them?! This is how WWII commenced. Britain and France guaranteed security to Poland and when Germany invaded, taking heed to the “war guarantee”, they declared war on Germany. They failed to act before preserving Poland and it was quite the disaster. Maybe they would have anyways, and maybe that was right. But if the plan is to avoid WWIII than maybe we should avoid taking the exact same steps that led to WWII.

“Nukes or NATO”, says unhinged Ukrainian Comedian
Also, I did a bit of a survey here at my job—lucky for them—asking thirty every day, working people, if they were willing to go to war with Russia to protect minerals in Ukraine and 0% said they would. No one is willing to go fight this war, so what exactly are we agreeing to? Conscripted boots on the ground? Nukes? Zelenskyy’s been begging for nukes. With the hate that man has in his heart, if we gave him a nuke tonight, he’d drop it on Moscow by morning and it would be devastating!
Continuity of Endless War
“Since the end of World War II, there have been 248 armed conflicts in 153 locations around the world. The United States launched 201 overseas military operations between the end of World War II and 2001, and since then, others, including Afghanistan and Iraq.”
The report adds, “The proportion of civilian deaths and the methods for classifying deaths as civilian are debated, but civilian war deaths constitute 85% to 90% of casualties caused by war, with about 10 civilians dying for every combatant killed in battle.”Swanson notes, “A top defense of war is that it must be used to prevent something worse, called genocide. Not only does militarism generate genocide rather than preventing it, but the distinction between war and genocide is a very fine one at best.”
The report future notes “The United States is responsible for 41% of the world’s total military spending. The next largest in spending are China, accounting for 8.2%; Russia, 4.1%; and the United Kingdom and France, both 3.6%. . . . If all military . . . costs are included, annual [US] spending amounts to $1 trillion”.
In other words, America has apparently adopted a “total power standard,” spending more on military than most of the rest of the world combined: “The United States spent more on its military than the next 13 nations combined in 2011,” the report says.
Does it seem like a good idea to dive balls deep into another war?! Every generation, every single one has been devastated by these horrible wars, look at the comparisons for suicidal ideation before and after the military:
Here’s a graph of the Veterans who follow-through with suicide (“organized by race, 2017-2022” taken from part one of a yearly report by the VA from 2024):
In part two of the report, the “Key Findings” were:
Suicide was the 12th-leading cause of death for Veterans in 2022. Suicide was the 2nd-leading cause of death for Veterans under age 45-years-old.
There were 6,407 Veteran suicide deaths in 2022, three more than in 2021.
In 2022, there were 271 suicides among female Veterans (80 fewer than in 2021) and 6,136 among male Veterans (83 more than in 2021).
There were 47,891 suicides in 2022 among all U.S. adults in 2022, on average 131.2 per day. These included on average 17.6 Veteran suicides per day, of which 7.0 per day were among Veterans who received VHA care in 2021 or 2022 and 10.5 were among other Veterans.
In 2022, the unadjusted rate of suicide for Veterans was 34.7 per 100,000 (up from 34.0 per 100,000 in 2021).
It was 13.5 per 100,000 for female Veterans (down from 17.6 per 100,000 in 2021) and 37.3 per 100,000 for male Veterans (up from 35.9 per 100,000 in 2021).
In 2022, for female Veterans unadjusted and age-adjusted suicide rates were lower than in each of the 5 prior years. For female non-Veteran adults unadjusted and age-adjusted suicide rates in 2022 exceeded those of the prior 2 years.
From 2021 to 2022, age-adjusted rates increased by 1.6% for male Veterans and by 1.8% for male non-Veteran adults.
For both male Veterans and male non-Veteran U.S. adults, unadjusted and age-adjusted suicide rates were higher in 2022 than in all other years included in this report, 2001-2022.
In 2022, unadjusted suicide rates were highest among Veterans between ages 18- and 34-years-old, followed by those aged 35- to 54-years-old.
In 2022, suicide was the 4th-leading cause of Veterans’ years of potential life lost.
Among U.S. adults who died from suicide in 2022, firearms were more commonly involved among Veteran deaths (73.5%) than among non-Veteran deaths (52.2%).
How sad is this. They are forced into this terrible barbaric fight to the death against people they really don’t know. Have no actual reason to hate. At most, a synthetic hatred manufactured to help some rich guy’s corporate interests, maybe they know this, maybe they don’t, but they all get it eventually, then after surviving that hell over there, the trauma of it in way too many cases, leads them to take their own lives. And we’re now looking for more!? Stop it. This. Is. Stupid!
On Sept. 12, 2011, Republican presidential debate in Tampa, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas said:
“We’re under great threat because we occupy so many countries. We’re in 130 countries. We have 900 bases around the world. We’re going broke. The purpose of al-Qaeda was to attack us, invite us over there, where they can target us. And they have been doing it. They have more attacks against us and the American interests per month than occurred in all the years before 9/11. But we’re there, occupying their land. And if we think that we can do that and not have retaliation, we’re kidding ourselves. We have to be honest with ourselves. What would we do if another country, say China, did to us what we do to all those countries over there?
“So, this whole idea that the whole Muslim world is responsible for this and they’re attacking us because we’re free and prosperous, that is just not true. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda have been explicit. They have been explicit, and they wrote and said that we attacked—we attacked America because you had bases on our holy land in Saudi Arabia, you do not give Palestinians a fair treatment, and you have been bombing—I didn’t say that, I’m trying to get you to understand what the motive was behind the bombing. At the same time, we had been bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for 10 years. Would you be annoyed? If you’re not annoyed, then there’s some problem.”
This all but ensures conflict, if we are not going to shut some of those down, does anyone think it’s a great idea to add security agreements to a country at war with the only country that rivals us in bombs that could make the whole world go BOOM!?
Mr. Trump, we elected you to “Stop the killing!” Not increase it.
My kneejerk position on this was, “Hey, at least we’re actually getting something back for the tax dollars we are working our asses off for, but I took a second to think about it, “played out the tape”—as they say in 12-step—and came to this question, “are we really going to commit our boys to get killed supporting a country that is refusing peace talks against a nuclear superpower who is already winning the war?!” Fu*k no!
This is Our Frankenstein! Do We Put Him Down or Let Him Run Amok!?
We must reject the idea of any security agreements with Ukraine FULL STOP! It’s bad enough we have to worry about the NATO countries, we can’t worry about Ukraine too. Which brings me to the next issue, and it’s one that I haven’t shut up about since I learned the “deets.”
Zelenskyy is our creation. By our I mean Washington’s, as outlines in his new book Provoked. Built off of like 100,000 pieces of primary source evidence that makes such an airtight case Galileo couldn’t refute it, and Houdini couldn’t escape it—though they try.
Every presidential administration since George H.W. Bush all the way through Biden has perpetuated and led Ukraine to where they are today. As Author/Professor
stated, “We’re guiding Ukraine down the ‘Prim Rose’ path” to war with Russia.From the first agreement, known as the “2+4” Talks with Mikhail Gorbachev that we would take NATO “not one inch” past the line dividing East and West Germany toward Russia’s border if Gorbachev allows East and West to reunify after the fall of the USSR, all the way through like five different Western-backed revolutions (Rose, Tulip, and Orange Revolution to name a few) the most recent being the coup d’état of duly elected Ukraine President Victor Yanukovich in 2014 (the “so-called revolution of dignity), to the final straw which was, it seems, a delivery of Western weapons of war with the purpose of killing Russians. This war has been a Washington creation, since the very beginning.
Doesn’t that mean we should back Ukraine till the end? Since we got them into the position they are in?!
NO!!! Haven’t you heard two wrongs don’t make a right? The only position we, as Americans should take, is peace, period. And keep our dirty noses out of it. Unless we’re willing to fight a war on our side of the ocean, it’s time to stay out. We’ve done enough damage. When it comes to the possibility of nuclear war the games are over, done! All the “conventional wisdom” in the world means NOTHING! We cannot humor these fu*king stakes! These chances cannot even be joked about. Whatever it takes to make peace or GTFO MUST be done immediately!
Should we expect payback for the $350 billion dollars we’ve sent to Ukraine to fight their war. Well, since WWII is what every neocon Warhawk invokes as justification for every war of the last century, what happened with the weapons and aid we sent to Britain to fight off Hitler? Actually, we demanded every penny paid-in-full! Britain didn’t finish paying us back until 2006. Sixty-one years. It seems war, and lawyers never forget a bill.
WWII was, after all, the most “just” war in history, right? No one says Eisenhower or Truman were “exploiting allies.”
But if it means that we must still cling on to this vassal state whose military is formed by neo-Nazi’s who do not want peace in order to get that money back, Fu*k IT! Let. Them. Keep. It! If we need to account for it just pull it from the “Condoms in Troubadour Fund” they’ll never miss it!
As much criticism being held against the Biden Administration for their policies that led to the prolonging of this Ukraine-Russia war, and I hold the same criticism, Donald Trump is headed down the same path of taking us step by step closer to nuclear annihilation. When is it going to stop? I hope soon, we’ve got to pull back from the brink, the end of the human race and all that we’ve evolved to do is simply a button push away. Who is going to stop the escalation? Donald Trump? Zelenskyy? Putin? It sure as hell won’t be the U.N. or Keir Starmer. Not Boris Johnson. J.D. Vance? Someone has got to see the light, before the horizon lights up, so bright, brighter than anything ever imagined, as if instead of getting blinded by pointing your eyes to the sun, the sun is blinded by pointing its eyes to us, followed by a mushroom cloud. The choice is now.

Thank you for reading.
This is
, Editor-in-Chief of