The "Hypothetical" Hypothetical Destabilization Campaign Courtesy of Mark "Pilley" Milley
They wrote a manual on it!
Interference: The Anatomy of "Regime Change" in the Age of "Congressional Oversight"
I’m dropping my own piece at the beginning of this, it’s another thread of what I’d been trying to say in that piece. I am drowning in writing that I must finish! Today was going to be no YouTube, no X, no nothing except for research and finishing the second half of my 2024 breakdown which would contain the entire campaign, assassination to New Years, then I clicked a Jimmy Dore video (video below) and I’m off and running.
So, in the video above Jimmy Dore is reacting to a Mike Benz video that was posted by, what looks like an African X account, anyone who lives in Africa should be infuriated by it. Not anger at Mike Benz, but at American imperialists like Mark “Silly” Milley (I can’t help it, I’m sorry), who is so ok with this type of thing, they would put it in a public manual called “A Vision for 2021 and Beyond”, the hubris is stunning!
This cover, in its own, is stunning. PERSUADE-CHANGE-INFLUENCE. If that don’t make your hair stand up! This is a 20-page document, totally public, arranged by General Mark Milley while he was head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Joe Biden. Maybe this just my first time looking at a document like this, but when I use the term “psyop”, or “psychological operation” I’m given a concerned look by most present, like “is this guy off his meds?” But this document uses it quite liberally, according to the “find on page” feature, way more often than I use it. They even use the word psyop at one point! Bastards!
PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS formations advise and assist partner governments/irregular organizations in the execution of PSYACTs to favorably influence target audiences, preparing them to resist the adversary and support friendly operations.
Sounds like what they are describing is propaganda, right?
The Hypothetical
That’s when Bashar al-Assad happens, that’s when Muammar Gaddafi happens, that’s what happened to Saddam Hussein. That’s when governments are overthrown. “Dictators” are forever whoever we say they are.
Let’s get on to the “hypothetical” actual story:
So, the team notices a billboard with Chinese writing and Chinese insignia, they take a picture of it.
Upon returning they shared the photo with their PSYOP’s division and others in their team, who followed up with local “Naruvian Commando Team Leader”, finding that Chinese officials had visited, “purchased land around the southern port city”, and the “PSYOP detachment” found social media ads “signaling Chinese interests”. They passed their findings off to the “Information Warfare Center (IWC) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.”
Using “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” within 48 hours they established that this was to be a “deep-water port” owned by the Chinese and part of the “Belt and Road Initiative for 2025 and LIKELY Naval Military intentions in 2035.”
From there the IWC, or Information Warfare Center, develop an “influence campaign” to “discredit Chinese activities” just weeks away from the “ribbon cutting ceremony.”
Needing cooperation from the local government to stop the Chinese expansion, and the opening being 30 days away, the American diplomats (Economic Hit Men) need more time to persuade the local government. So, the Special Forces with the IWC develop a plan and put it into action:
Relying on civil-economic (how well they’re being compen$ated) information provided by the CMSE, the IWC’s approach empowered IWTF’s, in coordination with the JIIM, to enflame long-standing friction between Naruvian workers and Chinese corporations. Within days, protests supported by the CFT’s ODA, erupted around Chinese business headquarters and their embassy in Ajuba. Simultaneously, the IWC-led social media campaign illuminated the controversy to a global audience.
They start a good old-fashioned protest and use social media to broadcast it globally. Reminds me of a few in the past, BLM in 2020, Ukraine in 2014, the Arab Spring! This is the playbook! It continues…
They then call in “USAID” and the “NGOs” to provide the workforce with alternative jobs, which are, as we learned during the US-Backed protest in Ukraine in 2014, USAID would pay the workers to organize the protests and organize events for USAID. Losing the Chinese construction company 60% of its “required labor pool.”
The rest goes off like a bad action movie.
One week later, Naruvian security forces discovered an illegal weapons cache which it traced back to a subsidiary of the construction company.
Recovered blueprints sent to DIA identified the real plans for this port was…. wouldn’t ya know, a Chinese Naval Military Base, just like they thought. Those sneaky chinks!
It’s such bull, China is dominating us by actively building things that make them more economically sound, and instead of building new things we’re trying to stay ahead by tearing down what our rivals build. It’s ridiculous! Yep, China is less free than us but, we’re more militaristic, it isn’t even close!
By the way, what’s not said in this document, is what happens when that government continues to not play ball with American interests, that’s when they become the enemy. That’s when Bashar al-Assad happens, that’s when Muammar Gaddafi happens, that’s what happened to Saddam Hussein. That’s when governments are overthrown. “Dictators” are forever whoever we say they are.
If you’d like to know more about this, please watch this mini-documentary (posted below) on John Perkins, the writer of “Confessions of an Economic Hitman.”
Thank you for reading.