"There is NO such thing as Palestine"
Why does everyone on one side of an issue seem like absolute psychotic monsters???
I don’t have an answer, if you clicked on this expecting one, I’m sorry. Just something I noticed. Check out following interview:
Shew! That was a ride. The guests on one side of this are unable to show compassion to the other side. One guy is a murder apologist. The other is a murderer. Mossab is without a doubt, riding the shirt tails of this conflict. The way things work for informants is they give useful information. They get out of big trouble. However, hat doesn’t mean they’re done with you. They’ll play you like they’re done with you, but there’s no statute of limitations on violent crimes. Even if there was it wouldn’t matter because….CORRUPTION. When they need you again, they’ll ask for more. Even if you don’t get in more trouble. They’ll continue using the first incident to squeeze you for whatever they can. This guy was facing 25 years. Got cut loose to be an IDF informant. He betrayed his family and their cause. Whatever, he wrote a best selling book. Gets work with the Mossad. He’s grifted off this whole conflict, from the beginning. Then Oct 7th happens. The IDF start pressing him again. I listened to an interview of this guy on FOX News from 6 months ago. He’s crazy there too, but he’s not saying ‘Palestine doesn’t exist”. He told Piers that Palestine was fabricated by American Activists. Maybe. I’ve never been there. However, people who live there believe it. According to people who have been there. History recognizes it. What else?! It was named Palestine by the romans. The Romans actually invaded Palestine. According to mainstream history, The Romans invaded Palestine in 63 BCE. It’s located between Syria and Egypt, and became two of Rome's most valuable possessions. This is because of trade in goods sold across the Roman Empire. And the ability to tax the people of the region. Rome also improved trade routes to Syria, and received goods from Asia, like spices and silk, which were then shipped to Rome. 63 BCE!!!! Maybe that’s really in the weeds and I don’t really know how to source it. That was from Wikipedia so maybe it’s bullshit, so how about this, the Encyclopedia Brittanica, definition of Zionism:
Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion
The tone of both of the Pro-Israeli guests, were that of talking at, not talking to. The first, was obviously given a script or he really cared so little for innocent civilians that he knew how many terrorists were killed but had no clue of the number of innocents killed. The the win shouldn’t be based on how many terrorists you kill. It should be based on how many innocents you saved. That should be a rule. Considering this, Hamas was funded and bolstered by Bibi Netanyahu. Without him, there wouldn’t be thousands of innocent casualties on both sides https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-netanyahu-bolstered-hamas/ He did this to keep from ever having to give in to the two-state-solution. That’s from his own words to his constituents.
Netanyahu later told his Likud Party’s Knesset members in March 2019, “anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
Something I found today which might explain why Yousef’s attitude towards Palestine existing is so different now compared to six months ago:
Now, even with my low skills in photo editing, I could make this myself. According to Haaretz, an Israeli Publication it isn’t fake. It was posted on the website of an Israeli real estate company. The company said “it was meant as a joke.” A joke made by an actual Israeli real estate company, OK. Because they’re known to be some REAL JOKERS, right? Lol. Well, what about Jared Kushner speaking this way? He’s the most unfunny, pro-war, pro-zionist, anti-american shill out there:
Kushner praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s beachfront property during a talk at Harvard University earlier this month, and essentially advocated for ethnic cleansing so Israel could develop the region.
That was according to The Guardian and the New Republic which are very partisan publications and probably also say, “DONALD TRUMP IS THE GREATEST THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.” He’s not, the Censorship Industrial-Complex and NeoConservative movement is. I’m trying to figure why the psycho Mossab would go from speaking about Palestinian people, never in a good light of course, to “There is NO such thing as Palestine!” It’s crazy, it’s not true, he knows it’s not true, and I’m not sure what he gains from saying it. Maybe that was his orders to continue staying out of prison, I don’t know. Abby Martin kept her cool. Continued hammering him with actual facts. Even her disparaging comments replying to his fucking slander was factual statements. You don’t have to make anything up. The truth is so much better then any trump-like insult you could throw at him. Abby has been reporting on the Palestinians, and their struggle under authoritarian occupation. Spending time with them. Learning their story. And shouting it out from the top of mountain, for decades. this grifter trying to keep from eating prison food trying to discredit her, I had no clue, anything about Palestine until I heard her on Joe Rogan many years ago and watched her documentary “Gaza Fights for Freedom” which is excellent, it’s a must-see for anyone trying to understand what’s going on here.
Also, you should listen to Martyr Made, Fear and Loathing in New Jerusalem, which explains how the Jewish Zionist came to take over Palestine and create Israel.
That’s all I’ve got, was furious after watching that crazy interview on Piers and needed to get it out, so there it is. More soon, look for Persecution of Truth-Tellers V, Hopefully, done next week. Thanks for reading.
Jordan Lee Canter, Editor-in-Chief, Declaration of WarLiberty