They "Raged Against the War Machine" and "Rescued the Republic"
The war of words that helped unify the country and took the Deep State to task, right here, "Crystallized in Stone"
“Speech is mentioned in “reputable” media only as a possible vector for the informational disease known as misinformation. Soon all that will remain of the issue for most people, is a little flutter of nerves reminding them not to think about it.
“That's why it's important to understand the endgame of the censors is not controlling speech, they're already doing that. The end game is getting us to forget that we ever had anything to say.” —Matt Taibbi, Rescue the Republic
“Bob Dylan, late in his career and, well past the peak of his powers, recorded the forgettable blues tune “you got to serve somebody”. The conceit was that no matter who you are, laborer or King, you have to bend the knee to something, or someone. A lot of people seem to believe this. And as the election approaches, like a meteor set to strike the last of our illusion of “American Exceptionalism”, with its choice between a “half-bright narcissist” and a “Deep State hologram”, we can see formerly sturdy knees Hit the Dirt, one by one, and formerly sensible mouths speaking the most ridiculous justifications for their service to one of these two exemplars of social collapse.” —Russel Dobular, Rage Against the War Machine, 2024
On September 28th & 29th of 2024 a unified group of intellectuals and activists from all across the political spectrum met on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, across from the Washington Monument in Washington, DC to Rage Against the War Machine and Rescue the Republic.
A creation of Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying in collaboration with Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle this group of America First conservatives, Anti-war leftists, Unity partytarians, Intellectuals of the “Dark Web”, peace activists, free speech activists, and all-around warriors for Civil Rights, and thousands in attendance, was just what America needed in Fall, 2024. Real heroes, what the most prominent of the intellectual class would look like if we had a more perfect Union. With professions ranging from Psychology to Investigative Journalism to Comedian to Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Attorneys—on the environments side—and every one of them have an astute ability to carry out political analysis in their own right.
Rage Against the War Machine was held on the first day and was year two of a, hopefully, annual event. Although, last year it had more name recognition, supposedly because some people did not want to appear against the war in Gaza, I don’t know if that is true since most of the names that didn’t appear are known to be sufficiently critical of the Israeli Government, I think it might be more possible that some couldn’t appear at Rescue the Republic and Rage, also. And others didn’t want to be attached to so many “right-wingers” this close to the election. I’m sure some were just busy, nevertheless, they were both memorable to say the least, I’d have given anything to be there. Maybe next time I will.
Last year’s Rage Against the War Machine only corporate media coverage was, as you can guess, very negative! Someone took photos of “Pro-Kremlin” flags and said it was a Russian operation, apparently someone did have a Russian flag, but due to that and the appearance of
, and people like Madea Benjamin was slandered into not showing and Scott Ritter, who I consider to be someone who the Military-Industrial Complex came after over his pushback on the “WMD’s in Iraq” in the leadup to the invasion. He was, after all, one of the weapon’s inspectors who knew that Iraq had been compliant with all of their inspections. By the way, Iraq had volunteered to let the inspectors in, but according to official reports they had resisted, knew better. And just like Russel Brand, and Julian Assange, he was hit the crimes that it’s hard to come back from. Sexual crimes. And for that, it gave to corporate slugs more ammo, but we should all know what their real disagreement was, an attack in Washington on the Complex that built it.So, anyone could guess that I thought
had the best speech overall between the two events, but it was really fucking good. It had history, you learned new shit, and in a clear, concise way, you come to the other side of it knowing what he said was true.Second in line was
of the podcast on the first day, Rage Against the War Machine. They were all quite amazing, but those two really did it for me.Thank you.
This is every amateur speaker’s dream, to follow Russell Brand. Thanks a lot, God!
I was once taught you should always open an important speech by making reference to a shared experience.
So what do all of us at “Rescue the Republic” have in common? Nothing!
In a pre-Trump universe chimpanzees would be typing their fourth copy of Hamlet before RFK Jr., Robert Malone, Zuby, Tulsi Gabbard, Russell, Bret Weinstein and I would organically get together for any reason, much less an event like this.
True, everyone speaking has been censored. The issues were all different, but everyone disagreed with “authoritative voices” about something.
Saying no is very American. From “Don’t Tread on Me!” to “Nuts” to “You Cannot Be Serious!” defiance is in our DNA.
Now disagreement is seen as threat, and according to John Kerry, must be “hammered out of existence.” The former Presidential candidate just complained at a World Economic Forum meeting that “it’s really hard to govern” and “our First Amendment stands as a major block” to the important work of hammering out unhealthy choices.
In the open he said this! Kerry added that it’s “really hard to build consensus,” and told Forum members they need to “win the right to govern” and “be free to implement change.”
What do they need to be free of? The First Amendment, yes, but more importantly: us. Complainers. That’s our shared experience. We are obstacles to consensus.
My name is Matt Taibbi. I’ve been a reporter for 35 years, covering everything from Pentagon accounting to securities fraud to drone warfare. My little son a few years ago asked what I do. I said, “Daddy writes about things that are so horrible they’re interesting.”
Two years ago, I was invited by Elon Musk to look at internal correspondence at Twitter. This led to stories called the Twitter Files whose main revelation was a broad government effort to suppress speech.
I was invited to talk about risks to the First Amendment, but to spare the suspense: that battle is lost. State censorship is a fact in most of the West. In February our European allies began observing the Digital Services Act, which requires Internet platforms to enforce judgments of state-appointed content reviewers called “trusted flaggers.”
Everything we found in the Twitter Files fits in a sentence: an alphabet soup of enforcement agencies informally is already doing pretty much the same thing as Europe’s draconian new law.
Now, is it against the law when a White House official calls Facebook and asks to ban a journalist for writing that the Covid vaccine “doesn’t stop infection or transmission”? I think hell yes. It certainly violates the spirit of the First Amendment, even if judges are found to say it keeps to the letter.
But this is post-9/11 America. Whether about surveillance or torture or habeas corpus or secret prisons or rendition or any of a dozen other things, WE IGNORE LAWS. Institutional impunity is the chief characteristic of our current form of government.
We have concepts like “illegal but necessary”: the government may torture, the public obviously can’t. The state may intercept phone calls, you can’t. The state may search without warrants, assassinate, snatch geolocations from your phones, any of a hundred things officially prohibited, but allowed. This concept requires that officials have special permission to ignore laws.
Ten years ago, we were caught spying on three different French presidents as well as companies like BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, Peugeot, Renault, and Total. Barack Obama called the French to apologize, but did we stop? We did indict the person who released the news, Julian Assange.
Congratulations to Julian on getting out, by the way. And shame on every journalist who did not call for his release.
WE IGNORE LAWS. It’s what America does. With this in mind, our government has moved past censorship to the larger project of changing the American personality. They want a more obedient, timorous, fearful citizen. Their tool is the Internet, a vast machine for doling out reward and punishment through likes and views, shaming or deamplification. The mechanics are complicated but the core concept is simple: you’re upranked for accepting authority, downranked for questioning it, with questions of any kind increasingly viewed as a form of disinformation.
Let me pause to say something about America’s current intellectual class, from which the “anti-disinformation” complex comes. By the way: there are no working-class censors, poor censors, hungry censors. The dirty secret of “content moderation” everywhere is that it’s a tiny sliver of the educated rich correcting everyone else. It’s telling people what fork to use, but you can get a degree in it.
America has the most useless aristocrats in history. Even the French dandies marched to the razor by the Jacobins were towering specimens of humanity compared to the Michael Haydens, John Brennans, James Clappers, Mike McFauls and Rick Stengels who make up America’s self-appointed behavior police.
In prerevolutionary France even the most drunken, depraved, debauched libertine had to be prepared to back up an insolent act with a sword duel to the death. Our aristocrats pee themselves at the sight of mean tweets. They have no honor, no belief, no poetry, art, or humor, no patriotism, no loyalty, no dreams, and no accomplishments. They’re simultaneously illiterate and pretentious, which is very hard to pull off.
They have one idea, not even an idea but a sensation: fear. Rightly so, because they snitch each other out at the drop of a hat; they’re afraid of each other, but they’re also terrified of everyone outside their social set and live in near-constant fear of being caught having an original opinion. They believe in the manner of herd animals, who also live whole lives without knowing an anxiety-free minute: they believe things with blinding zeal until 51% change their minds, and then like deer the rest bolt in that direction. We saw that with the Biden is sharp as a tack/No, Biden must step aside for the Politics of Joy switch.
I grew up a liberal Democrat and can’t remember having even most of the same beliefs as my friends. Now, millions of alleged intellectuals claim identical beliefs about vast ranges of issues and this ludicrous mass delusion is the precondition for “disinformation studies,” really the highly unscientific science of punishing deviation from the uniform belief set — what another excommunicated liberal, my friend Thomas Frank, calls the “Utopia of Scolding.”
“Freedom of speech” is a beautiful phrase, strong, optimistic. It has a ring to it. But it’s being replaced in the discourse by “disinformation” and “misinformation,” words that aren’t beautiful but full of the small, pettifogging, bureaucratic anxiety of a familiar American villain: the busybody, the prohibitionist, the Nosey Parker, the snoop.
H.L. Mencken defined Puritanism as the “haunting fear that someone, somewhere is happy.” That streak of our early European settlers unfortunately survives in us and keeps surfacing through moral panics. Four hundred years ago it was witches, then it was Catholic immigrants, then “the devil’s music,” comic books, booze, communists, and now, information.
Because “freedom of speech” is now frequently described as a stalking horse for hate and discrimination — the UN High Commissioner Volker Türk scolded Elon Musk that “free speech is not a free pass” — it’s becoming one of those soon-to-be-extinct terms. Speech is mentioned in “reputable” media only as a possible vector for the informational disease known as misinformation. Soon all that will remain of the issue for most people is a flutter of the nerves, reminding them to avoid thinking about it.
The end game is not controlling speech. They’re already doing that. The endgame is getting us to forget we ever had anything to say.
To small thinkers free speech is a wilderness of potential threats. The people who built this country, whatever else you can say about them, weren’t small thinkers. They were big, big thinkers, and I mean that not just in terms of intellect but arrogance, gall, brass, audacity, cheek.
Kurt Vonnegut called the Founding Fathers Sea Pirates. He wasn’t far off. These people stole a continent from the King of England. And got away with it. Eminem* said there ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks — there was nothing halfway about the Constitution authors.
James Madison, who wrote the First Amendment, foresaw the exact situation of a government that IGNORES LAWS. In fact, he was originally opposed to the Bill of Rights because he didn’t think “paper guarantees” could stop a corrupt government. So he put together a document designed to inspire a personality type that would resist efforts to undo the experiment.
Here an important quality came into play: Madison was a great writer. The 44 words of his First Amendment were composed with extraordinary subtlety:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment didn’t confer rights or entrust government with guaranteeing them. Instead, the Founders stood to the side and, like an old country recognizing a new country, simply acknowledged an eternal truth: the freedom of the human mind.
This is what censors never understand. Speech is free. Trying to stop it is like catching butterflies with a hammer, stopping a flood with a teaspoon… Choose your metaphor, but a fool’s errand. You can apply as many rules as you want, threaten punishment, lock people up. The human mind always sets its own course, often in spite of itself. As the poet William Ernest Henley explained:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Unlike the busybodies of the Internet Age, to whom words are just another overproduced, over-plentiful, unnecessary, and vaguely hazardous commodity like greenhouse gases or plastic soda bottles, people like Madison understood the value of language.
In 1787 you might have to walk a mile or five just to see a printed word. It was likely to be the Bible. I’m not religious, but I’ve read the Bible, and so of course did they. They knew the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.”
That was a reference to Genesis: In the beginning, God said “Let there be light,” and the world was born. For them, the idea of the word was suffused with the power of creation itself. This wasn’t law. This was metaphysics. It was cosmogony.
A little country run by a bunch of jumped-up tobacconists and corn farmers needed an ally to withstand the wrath of European royalty. They got it by lighting a match under human ingenuity and creativity and passion. It was rash, risky, reckless, and it worked.
What was the American personality? Madison said he hoped to strengthen the “will of the community,” but other revolutionaries weren’t quite so polite. Thomas Paine's central message was that the humblest farmer was a towering moral giant compared to the invertebrate scum who wore crowns and lived in British castles.
Common Sense told us to stand up straight. Never bow, especially not to a politician, because as Paine explained — I want you to think of John Kerry and Hayden and Cheney here — “Men who look upon themselves as born to reign, and others to obey… are frequently the most ignorant and unfit of any throughout the dominions.”
Oscar Wilde noted ours was the only country in the world where being a kook was respectable. Every other country shunned the tinkerer or mad inventor and cheerfully donated them to us, turbocharging our American experiment.
We welcomed crazy and the world has light bulbs, the telephone, movies, airplanes, submarines, the Internet, false teeth, the Colt .45, rock and roll, hip-hop and monster dunks as a result. Wilde lampooned our ignorance and lack of artistic sophistication and tolerance for ugly words — hilariously he refused to speak at a town that named itself “Grigsville” — but his final observation was a supreme compliment:
The Americans are the best politically educated people in the world. It is well worth one’s while to go to a country which can teach us the beauty of the word FREEDOM and the value of the thing LIBERTY.
In my twenties, while traveling through the former Soviet Union, I noticed that people from other cultures often had hang-ups about authority. Men from autocratic countries in the Middle East always seemed to whisper out of the corners of their mouths, as if they were afraid someone might hear, even about meaningless things. They would say: “Listen, my friend, the only good song George Michael ever wrote was ‘Faith…’”
“Why are we whispering?” I’d ask. “I don’t know,” they’d say.
People who grew up in places with the Queen on their money were class-conscious and calibrated what they could say according to who else was at the table. Russians were like us, expressive and free-spirited and funny, but infected with terrible fatalism: they froze around badges and insignias and other symbols of authority as if they had magic power.
Over time I realized: I liked being an American. For the first time I was seeing the American experience through the eyes of foreigners. I did an interview once at a restaurant in Moscow called Scandanavia. A group of European diplomats was having a conference and complained about a table of loud American businessmen. A young Swedish waiter was sent to deal with them.
He leaned over to the biggest and loudest of these finance bros and said, “If you could keep your voice down, sir…”
The American turned and said:
“Is that a question?”
The kid froze. The American said: “You mean ‘Be quiet,’ right?”
The American got up. “Look, you’re over here because a bunch of Belgians are too afraid to come over here themselves. You’re carrying that like the weight of the world. I can see it your shoulders. Let it go, man.”
Now those diplomats grew spines. “Hey,” they said. “We are not Belgians. We’re—”
“You’re Belgians,” the American snapped. Then he gave the floor to the kid who said, “Please be quiet.” The American took out a $100 bill and stuck it in the kid’s vest pocket. He walked around the rest of the night like he owned the place. He might have gone on to do just that.
After that I realized every American has a little bit of asshole in him. William Blake said, “Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you.” Some struggle with this concept. Americans are born knowing it.
Incidentally propaganda is the same trick I saw in that restaurant. It’s always someone trying to make you feel bad for their weakness, their mistakes. Don’t be ground down by it. Stand up straight and give it back.
Which is why I say: Kerry, Hayden, Cheney, Adam Schiff, Craig Newmark, Reid Hoffman, Pierre Omidyar, Leon Panetta, and especially that Time editor turned self-appointed censor Rick Stengel should be packed in a rocket and launched into the fucking sun.
Let's be clear about our language. Madison famously eschewed the word toleration or tolerance when it came to religion and insisted on the words freedom or liberty instead. This became the basis for the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which in turn became the basis for the Bill of Rights. That's why we don't have “toleration of religion” or “toleration of speech.” We have freedom of speech. The right word for the right time.
To the people who are suggesting that there are voices who should be ignored because they're encouraging mistrust or skepticism of authority, or obstructing consensus: I'm not encouraging you to be skeptical of authority. I'm encouraging you to DEFY authority. That is the right word for this time.
To all those Snoops and Nosey Parkers sitting in their Homeland Security-funded “Centers of Excellence,” telling us day after day we must think as they say and vote as they say or else we’re traitorous Putin-loving fascists and enablers of “dangerous” disinformation:
Motherfucker, I’m an American. That shit does not work on me. And how can you impugn my patriotism, when you’re sitting in Klaus Schwab’s lap, apologizing for the First Amendment to a crowd of Europeans? Look in the mirror.
I’m not the problem. We’re not the problem.
You’re the problem.
Thank you.
Bob Dylan, late in his career and, well past the peak of his powers, recorded the forgettable blues tune “you got to serve somebody”. The conceit was that no matter who you are, laborer or King, you have to bend the knee to something, or someone.
A lot of people seem to believe this. And as the election approaches, like a meteor set to strike the last of our illusion of “American Exceptionalism”, with its choice between a “half-bright narcissist” and a “Deep State hologram”, we can see formerly sturdy knees hit the dirt, one by one, and formerly sensible mouths speaking the most ridiculous justifications for their service to one of these two exemplars of social collapse.
The Palestinian people, who have been bought and sold, and traded and betrayed, so many times already, are now being sold out again by many self-described progressives, for the promise of a free school lunch, and legal weed. With Kamala’s selection of Stolen Valor candidate, and serial-liar, Tim Waltz, being just the fig leaf they needed to go home to the corrupt Democratic party, that they only pretend to leave between election seasons.
Some saw gold in them there genocide hills! Many of the commentators who have been racking up clicks, and ad revenue off the exploitation of Arab death, have run from their cause, like Matthew Miller from a crucifix and sunlight!
Now that the better opportunity of the Kamala campaign has come along, of course, nobody says, “outright” that they are abandoning the Palestinians to their fate. Instead, they pretend to be reading subtle messages, hidden in Kamala’s selection of Waltz, and in her occasional “acknowledgment” of the untold horrors that the Biden Administration continues to fund, and equip. The subtext being, “it's the old white guy's fault”, “just wait until a black woman is in that white house, she'll show them!” This in spite of the fact, that insofar as we can infer, anything from Kamala's record it's that she will be the “perfect puppet” that the Deep state has been after since Kennedy caught a bullet for thinking he was in charge!
This offers a tremendous opportunity for a rival campaign, to set a different course. Unfortunately, the Trump campaign is not that campaign. Many say they like Trump for his honesty, and one does have to admit, no other politician at his level of the game would stand in front of a bank of flags representing a foreign country, in this case Israel, and brag about how billionaire advocates for that country, in this case the Adelson’s, told him, “what to do on that country's behalf”, and then go on to describe, “how quickly he got it done”, as he did last week, declaring his intention to “Make Israel Great Again” for good measure. The American people seem to have slipped his mind, in the heat of the moment, as he danced for those sweet AIPAC dollars! And how sweet they are!
So sweet, that many who would speak at a “rage against the war machine” focused on Ukraine, last year, will not speak at one who's declared aims include ending the “War in Gaza”, others do not want to be associated with its sister event “Rescue the Republic”, but I believe, as do our hosts, Angela and Nick, that we should speak to those with whom we disagree.
In that spirit, it is truly remarkable how many people who saw clearly that the “War in Ukraine” is something we have no business being involved in, European country, though it may be, a vowed Bastion of the western values, that so many here this weekend claim to adore so much, have revealed themselves as rabid and unreasoning supporters of Israel after October 7th. “No, this is not our fight,” they said rightly, when it came to Ukraine, “and besides this country is so corrupt they gave Hunter Biden a job! Who knows how many BMWs and back waxes our money is going to end up paying for!”
But, when it comes to a country so corrupt, that its Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, would rather keep on slaughtering children than negotiate a peace that would allow ongoing criminal proceedings against him to resume they're all-in!
When it comes to a racist apartheid state that blocks food aid as a weapon of war, that attacks hospitals, houses of worship, and its own declared-safe-zones.
That openly executes journalists, and activists, some of them American citizens! They say, “we have to stand with Israel”, “it's an oasis of Western values in the Middle East.”
Well, if by “Western values” we're thinking of “King Leopold's tenure” in the Congo? Spain's gay romp through South America? The US genocide of its native population? Australia, where an aboriginal scalp, could fetch you a few pounds. Well, then yes, a country full of white Europeans, dropped in the middle of a non-white, indigenous population, whose land they steal, and whose people they slaughter. All the while, blaming their “savages” for their “savagery”, when they attempt to fight back. Israel is a true “Bastion of Western values in the Middle East”, and God help the indigenous people there, if history is any guide!
To all of this, the Israelis have an answer: “the Bible.” In this, they are of one mind with their Christian Zionist supporters. They only differ on Canon.
For Jews, there is only “Episode One, The Phantom Hebrews:” in which they take the land from the unwashed Philistine.
If they contemplate the sequel, in which they function as “Jesus-bait” before those Jews who continue to reject the “Prince of Peace” are thrown into the “Lake of Fire”, upon his return. They have the good taste not to mention it, as they indulge the apocalyptic fantasies of their Christian counterparts.
In the words of the great Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, “most Israelis are secular, but they all believe God promised them Palestine.”
So, do you really have to serve somebody? Do you really have to get behind an “establishment Avatar” or a “trust-fund plutocrat?” There is something slavish in human nature that tells us, “It is so,” but there is also something noble in us that tells us, “To resist!”
It was not the “nobility” that was most devoted to the king, it was the “Peasants” that took the most pride in their connection to the big man in the castle on the hill. Who saw their place in the world as being inextricably linked to their acceptance and celebration of their place in the feudal order.
It's the same impulse that drives people to think that union-busting-Netanyahu-knee-pad-wearing Elon musk is their Champion!
That Trump is a friend to “The Working Man” in spite of all the working men he stiffed over the years!
That Kamala is anything more than a cutout for the anti-human agenda of her handlers, or the fact that the country is running just the same without a president, as it ever has with one, doesn't prove, once and for all, that the job has become ceremonial, with the Military- Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us of ruling through bloodless ghouls like Jake Sullivan.
Some say you have to decolonize your mind. That may be so, but what you also have to do is depeasantize your mind!
You don't have to bend the knee to any of these warmongering narcissists that wouldn't piss on you, and yours if you were on fire!
Whether you're talking about Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, Kamala Harris, or yes Donald Trump!
We need to get off our knees, because when the people come together, and stop accepting the way things are, that's when they truly change, and that's exactly what they're afraid of!
That's why they keep us bogged down, fighting about drag queens, and D.E.I. hires, while they laugh their asses off and count their cash!
Whether it's from the house on the hill or from the podcast studio where the most money is to be made catering to cultural grievance!
While the rich get richer and you keep on getting poorer.
The CIA and the FBI used to send agents out to infiltrate political groups, and get them fighting. They don't have to do that anymore, for the most part, the social media algorithms do the job for them, and there are plenty of folks with a microphone happy to help!
If we want to stop these wars we have to stop playing their game, we need to stop accepting their framing, we have to call an election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump out as the disgrace that it is!
We need to reject a system that tells us we have no better choices than these and that we don't deserve better choices than these.
We do have a choice! It's a choice between endorsing this system or coming together to shut it down, to shut down a system that thinks so little of us that it expects us to take these disgusting freaks that pass themselves off as our leaders seriously! And don't let the new commentariat tell you otherwise, those folks are getting fat off your desperation, while they funnel you right back into the system! Whether it's the grifters telling you to vote Kamala for the free school lunch, or the grifters telling you that Donald Trump is your Champion!
When someone tells you either of those things you should put your hand on your wallet, because there about to steal it!
Depeasantize your mind! Because when we listen to that other voice, the voice that tells us to stand up and resist,
that's when castles fall,
that's when old corrupt systems crumble,
that's when revolutions are made!
Thank you
The great
:So this is where you all end up, when you do your own research!
My name is Walter Kirn. I’m a novelist. That’s the reason you don’t know who I am, and I’ve come here to tell you a little bedtime story.
When I was a kid in rural Minnesota, the land of the deplorables in the late sixties and early seventies, my mother had a little record player. The problem was, she only had five records, and all were protest music. Pete Seeger, the Weavers, Joan Baez, Peter, Paul, and Mary. I used to listen to the records, and I had a favorite song. Maybe you know it: “If I had a Hammer.”
It was very strange that my mother had these records, because she was a young Republican. Anyway, I was eight years old, and I had no idea what this song meant. It seemed to have something to do with being powerless, and dreaming or fantasizing that you had power. If I had a hammer, I’d hammer out justice. I’d hammer out freedom all over this land. I’d hammer out love between the brothers and the sisters…
That was my favorite line, because it was so puzzling. Isn’t love between brothers and sisters incest? As I said, I found this song confusing, and the thing that confused me most about the song was: Why didn’t the singer have a hammer? What had happened? Who’d taken it away?
This morning, I was reading Twitter and I was reminded of this song in the most unlikely way. I saw a clip of a discussion at one of those big international conferences that you and I are never invited to, and on this video was John Kerry, former Secretary of State, former Skull and Bonesman, that secret society at Yale — the same secret society that George W. Bush belonged to. The guy who ran against John Kerry for president in 2004: Skull and Bones versus Skull and Bones. Talk about the illusion of choice.
Anyway, what Kerry was talking about was the First Amendment, and how it was a problem. A big, big problem. He had a peculiar complaint about it.
The First Amendment stopped people like him, he said, from trying to “build consensus.” Now, that’s how these people think about themselves, as builders of consensus. What does that make you and me? We’re construction materials!
John Kerry, master builder, had a complaint. The First Amendment, he said, was a “major block” for people like him from stopping what he now calls disinformation. It kept him from, he said, “hammering it out of existence.”
Now, I’m pretty sure that in 1949 when Pete Seeger wrote, “The Hammer Song,” or “If I Had a Hammer,” he didn’t mean if John Kerry had a hammer. He didn’t mean if they had a hammer:
If they had a hammer,
They’d hammer out disinformation.
They’d hammer out vaccine hesitancy,
All over this land.
They’d hammer out Kennedy.
They’d hammer Matt Taibbi….
That is not the song, and John Kerry has it wrong. The hammer does not belong to him.
That hammer belongs to us. It’s ours. But why don’t we have it? That’s the mystery.
That’s the question I’ve spent a lifetime trying to figure out. Look at this gray hair. It’s been a lifetime. Why doesn’t the singer have a hammer? Why? Why do we have to dream to fantasize? Why do we have to wish we had one?
Well, I think I’ve finally answered it. We have it right in front of us. The question is, will we pick it up? The question is, will we use it? So, I have a request for you. When you go home tonight, when you get home, pick up your hammer. Pick up your hammer and use it. It’s time to build.
My mother had one other record. It was by Simon and Garfunkel. It also had a song I loved called El Condor Pasa. I think you remember its greatest line: “I’d rather be a hammer than a nail.”
Don’t be a nail. Pick up your hammers. Go home. Let’s build a New America.
1st Annual (hopefully) Rage Against the War Machine courtesy of News2Share:
Following this is all the videos I could find from both events.
Thank you for reading,
.This is
, Editor-in-Chief