So I listened to a Spaces a couple nights ago, the subject was monetizing on X. I had been posted regularly for several years there and was started really getting into Twitter and becaAme very vocal during the #TwitterFiles, and pretty much everyday since then. Especially the insane attacks on Matt Taibbi, whom I have been a die hard fan of. And every time he posts, it is like this barrage of attacks come at him, it's always the same insults, they use the same words, say the same things, he addresses them and on the very next post, they start over again. It's as if they are bot accounts. It's especially interesting to me when I see someone posting the same attack in the comments over and over again but, what's really odd is how they use the same words. It's like the news media attacking Joe Rogan with horse paste, horse paste, horse paste. Why not…. dog paste, that might seem petty, but ya gotta remember, this was every single news channel and hit piece. And if the offense is using veterinarian ivermectin, it could just as well be for a dog, a horse, a hamster for fuck sake, Same thing with Matt Taibbi, it was “doing PR for the richest man in the world” over and over and over again. Or they would bring up the Vampire Squid line, which by the way in my opinion is the greatest line in literature ever, it's at least the greatest line I've ever read, but they come at him with “what happened to you man?” Just very bizarre.
Back to the spaces, they said on this spaces that if you cuss in your post that you will get de-boosted and that they all erase their post with cuss words. so thinking I've surely been de-boosted as often as curse words come up in my language, I went back to my posts and started deleting posts where I dropped a “fuck" . Boy there were plenty, lol. But I seen one tweet thread where I was defending Matt Taibbi to one of these “copy-paste clones" during the #TwitterFiles reporting, and the person or bot or whatever, had replied to me months ago, and said “well why don't you shut your f****** mouth” seeing this I posted back “or perhaps you could kill yourself?”
And immediately I was gone. So I guess it's time to start following through with this Substack. At least it's real free speech here. So there will be a whole more post to come, and I can get back to exposing the Censorship/Military Industrial Complex, Via Substack.
Good day….