To this Mike Benz, founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online, and if “I told you so” could be a person he is it, he’s been sounding the alarm about these places for years, replied:
Which job was it? Irrigating heroin crops in Afghanistan? Cooking up freak monster viruses in Wuhan? Writing psyop propaganda screeds for Internews? Publishing dirt on US politicians for OCCRP? Operating regime change work from an HIV clinic in Latin America? Which one, Vindman?
Alexander Vindman was a member of the National Security Council, who later testified against Donald Trump, then later joined USAID. Guilty? Innocent? You make the call.
"There are no thieves or thugs out here. We are members of Congress."
They met in a conference room, somewhere you might find in a warehouse office, with a view that fell somewhere on the edge of obscure but professional.
He wore a tag that read "USAID" with smaller letters under it, just barely intelligible that read "United States Agency for International Developement", in a suit that matched the tag, just barely on the edge of obscurity and professionalism.
It's very funny to think about the secrecy of this meeting. They print their name "USAID" on everything, now what's with all the secrecy, he thought. He was soon to find out.
They sat across from each other and laid out his plan, "See you have a government that is not willing to, well, for lack of a better word 'Play Ball' with United States interests."
"Yes, sir. See, our leader's don't agree with your system of govenance being imposed on us, we got a good thing, our people are at peace, why would we change everything now?"
"Well, because it's not a democracy, and you want aid, right? If your system was working so well, how did you end up in debt to us?"
"It wasn't supposed to be a debt, we thought we were granted that money. We thought you all wanted to help."
"We only help democracy's and it's not non-punitive, we want something for our help. Now, someone else in your government is going to take this deal, so are you in or are you out? Because you won't want to be on the wrong side when America gets what they want. Gaddaffi ring a bell? Assad? Milosevich? Know that with or without you, we get what we want."
"Jeez. I thought you did 'foreign aid.'"
"We are aiding you, you just don't realize it, what's good for US interests, I assure you, is in your interest. Final offer..."
"Yes. I'm in. What do you need me to do?"
“U.S.A.I.D. is made up of fraudsters and radical left lunatics,” says President Donald J. Trump.
“USAID is a wholly unresponsive organization and has been a problem since I was in Congress,” says Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
“USAID is a foreign aid program that makes sure children has food on their tables,” say Democrats in Congress.
“What Trump and Musk have done is not only wrong, it's illegal," said Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia during a news conference outside USAID headquarters. "USAID was established by an act of Congress, and it can only be disbanded by an act of Congress. Stopping this will require action by the courts and for Republicans to show up and show courage and stand up for our country.”
“USAID's programs are authorized by Congress in the Foreign Assistance Act. The agency's programs focus on improving global health, alleviating poverty, and providing emergency relief in response to natural disasters or conflict as well as enhancing education and strengthening democratic institutions abroad,” according to Newsweek.
“On behalf of the American people, we promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world… In support of America's foreign policy, the U.S. Agency for International Development leads the U.S. government's international development and disaster assistance through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance,” the agency's mission statement states.
But this is all half-truths and outright lies, whatever it takes to keep their pockets full and keep their imperialist agenda intact.
Imperialist agenda? Well, what’d you think? This was a foreign aide agency????
In fact, the closest anyone came to saying the truth about USAID, was “Ukraine Freedom Fighter” Chris Murphy who said, “USAID fights terrorist groups all across this world making sure that we address the underlying causes that lead to terrorism. USAID chases China all around the world, making sure China doesn't monopolize contracts for critical minerals and port infrastructure all around the world. It supports freedom fighters everywhere in this world, up until yesterday, delivering firewood, for instance, to the brave Ukrainian defenders on the eastern front.”
Old Chris got a little carried away towards the end, but he said the quiet part out loud. “Freedom Fighters” eh? Like the Contra’s in the 80’s? Or al Qaeda affiliate Al Nusra in Syria in 2012? How about the Azov Battalion in Ukraine? Or what about those freedom fighters that sodomized Gaddafi in Lybia? He didn’t misppeak, those were all American Central Intelligence Agency-funded and armed regime changes, and they all had funding from USAID, because USAID and the CIA are one and the same.
I’m here to tell you, they’re all right! And they’re all wrong, but that’s not why I hold the position that I do, well, Chris Murphy’s statement is, but the former are all simply holding water for the latter. Up front, let me be clear, I believe USAID should be shattered into a million pieces and scattered to the wind! Feed the hungry kids, no doubt, but not in sacrifice of their culture and their security. Let’s talk about it…
What Am I Rambling About?!
If you’ve paid even a cursory mind to the news about the recent overthrow of the USAID “program,” you must be wondering, like everyone else, why in the hell are they spending millions for “sex changes in Guatemala?” It sure as hell ain’t because they’re worried about “trans rights”. It’s, no doubt, the same reason China has fentanyl factories in Mexico, actually. Anyone still under the delusion that our tax dollars are being used, at least mostly, for good causes, must feel a tinge of righteous indignation when they hear the shit that USAID funds are being directed to.
Here’s a good one, farming in Afghanistan! I’m sure we are “just worried about farmer's, right??” What are they growing? Tomatoes? Negative. They’re making heroine. Oh, well, they literally say “For equipment used in the cultivation of poppy’s and production of heroin.” The shit isn’t even hidden. I have friends serving 20 years in prison for selling the shit that our tax dollars are helping them produce! I guess you could say it’s worse for the people closer to production, like addiction to smoking is worse the closer you get to tobacco patches, but New Yorker’s die of lung cancer everyday!
So, no, I don’t like my tax dollars being spent THERE to produce the very drugs killing my friends HERE. You could almost say that USAID in that single act has done more overall to destabilize our own country than anything China or Russia could ever do to us. The Democrats that disagree, I’m sorry, I can’t bunk up with you.
But look at this list! This list is like, Republican catnip! It’s all the stuff they’ve been screaming about for a decade, in black and white, while they were being called old or just not with it, or behind in the times. I fucking hate it! The liberal values that once reigned supreme, free speech, protecting the environment, protecting those not as well off as you, and opposing imperialism, are long gone and the republican side, well, the ball is in their court. I can’t cosign this bullshit!
On the Other Side of the Coin
Why is no one talking about this organization funding military campaigns and imperialist projects abroad?! HEY! ELON! How much money is going to funding regime change wars?! I know it is! But it’s being stuffed further down into obscurity.
How do I know?
They made Marco Rubio the “Acting Director of USAID!!!” Fools! This is like a henhouse being saved from a pack of wolves by one hungry wolf who wants it all for himself! By the way, our tax dollars are the chicken in this analogy, and Rubio is “one hungry wolf”.
Under the guise of shuttering the thing, they’ve pass it on to the most imperialistic neocon in the administration. This is like removing the stupid programs and preserving the dangerous and most offensive of these programs. You think Marco Rubio disagrees with anything happening at USAID? The NED? The NDI? The IRI? NO! He helped to fund them! He said, “it’s a completely unresponsive agency,” from his time when he was in Congress. That’s his problem with them; they are not doing enough! WTF!
Then he contacts Guatemala to grant assurances, like “don’t worry, once this crazy guy gets done, it’ll be under my purview, and we’ll be back in business,” turning their male soldiers into females. Everything America does is in our interest, the handwringing from both sides is infuriating. Even funding the War in Ukraine!
Many State Department and Pentagon officials have come out with statements very explicitly alluding that funding the war in Ukraine with weapons instead of seeking peace is in America’s interest because it keeps Russia weak, and since Russia kicked USAID out of their country in 2012 they don’t have that weapon to use against them, and it turns out, egg on our face, Putin was right on this one. Listen to Rubio talking to his friends:
“I know it's hard to ask for patience. I know it's hard to ask for trust,” Rubio said, according to a partial transcript of his meet-and-greet with embassy staff that was obtained by ABC News.
If he really thought them to be a problem, why would he owe them trust. It is simply this, he is one of them! Plain and simple:
Look I hate when CNN is right, but well, a broken clock is right twice a day, eh?
“The Russians are dying. It’s the best money we’ve ever spent.” —Lindsey Graham
And then there’s this, which you’ll understand why this is important later in this piece:
Washington, DC – The International Republican Institute (IRI) issued the following statement on the nomination of Senator Marco Rubio as the next U.S. Secretary of State:
“IRI congratulates Senator Rubio on his historic nomination as the 72nd U.S. Secretary of State. Throughout his service in the Senate, he has been one of America’s foremost advocates for freedom and democracy around the world, and he has played an invaluable role as a member of IRI’s board of directors. We wish him every success in the confirmation process and as our next Secretary of State.”
IRI is the International Republican Institute, the Republican arm of the NGO-Industrial Complex. The Democrats have one too, the National Democratic Institute, or NDI, and I guess the NED and USAID are bipartisan. As far as function, it’s not totally clear that they don’t all serve the same purpose. They fund the same programs, and put a pin in that, right here, it’ll be clear by the end of this. This is why I can’t help but find both sides of this detestable! So, in a world, quite literally dying for change, we ended up with Marco Rubio. A rosary-like symbol for “more of the same, business as usual, elite consensus.” Exactly what 73 million America's voted against! Someone finally has the balls to snoop around in one of these archaic institutions, looking for the fraud, and they put the lead fraudster watching the gate They have got a wolf in the hen house, and it ain't Elon Musk.
The “Kamala Effect”
I’m once again finding myself having what I call the “Kamala Effect”.
When Kamala Harris became the Democrats candidate for president, the Republican’s called her a leftist fanaticist, a radical left lunatic, a Communist, I, on the other hand hated her because she lacked compassion, I thought she was too middle of the road, she flip-flopped with the breeze, and voting for her would be voting for the same failed system, more of the same Neoliberal bullshit practices of stepping over homeless people on the sidewalk to go vote to save Ukrainians by sending them more weapons to kill each other with.
She shuttered a program to bring Catholic priests who’d sexually abused children to justice, when the work was already done, she just had to continue it when she took over as AG in California in the 2000’s, then when the victim’s and victim’s attorneys reached out to her for the files that the previous AG collected on this, because they were at least gonna get those demons civilly, they purposefully protected those child molester priests. I don’t know why, and by the way neither do the victims, if there was some lobby group, or other entity applying pressure on her not to comply with them, I don’t know, I do know the Catholic Church of San Francisco was very powerful in the early 2000’s. Following that she made many ugly moves increasing her influence, while turning the area into the police state that caused the liberal reform blowback that you see there today.
She had thousands of people arrested with her “tough on crime” mantra for simple possession of marijuana, then joked about smoking to Charlamagne on the Breakfast Club. Which, hey, we all make mistakes, but then after becoming somewhat of a leftist superstar in Congress, as a presidential candidate she went back to the “Tough on Crime” mantra from her early career like she’d learned nothing! And then ran a white-washing campaign of the single most hated family—from all sides—in American history, the Cheney’s!
Then you look at Donald Trump… and he’s insulting people by calling them “Palestinian's” because in his wacko boomer brain that’s an insult, but the Democrats totally missed that, not a word of it! Because someone in Ohio might’ve grilled something that looked dog-ish. If she took a strong stance against war she might’ve won.
That’s the Kamala Effect. In all the criticism's from either side it’s never the actual problem with them.
This is the same effect. On the right, they’re going crazy about USAID funding DEI programs and whatnot, now I don’t like them either, but that’s not the problem with USAID. USAID is an NGO, used to promote what we call soft power. Interference. Destabilizing the region. Funding protests. “Freedom fighters.” Propaganda. Then keep the protest fed and let nature take its course Here I wrote an article about it a month ago:
The Republicans’ problem with USAID is, it’s a “lunatic radical left organization” which I’m sure is partly true, but not the important part. They don’t say a word about it organizing “Pro-Democracy Rallies” worldwide or training, arming and funding “freedom fighters” (cough*cough* Regime Change), and it’s not because they aren’t doing them. So, one side wants it reduced to shambles, the other side wants nothing at all, who is worse here?!
Too much change or none at all. I’d bet, if you asked the guy building a campfire inside an abandoned house to stay warm, he’d say none at all is worst!
This is why both sides are doomed to be a line in a rotting history book on a thrift store shelf somewhere. Democrat's, they’re already there. Republicans are on their way. I hope they tear up enough of these imperialistic organizations on their way down that we can build a better society, free markets, and peace. That’s the way.
But, a humanitarian aid organization? They turned humanitarian aid against the humanitarian.You demons. Americans are good people, so they knew they could hide a scam behind helping other people and we’d fall for it. How evil ARE these monsters!
But while We’re Still Here, Let’s Talk the USAID Disclosures
If you wanna know who America’s next enemy is, look at who we’re funding right now.
—Dave Smith
So, USAID, I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but they really, really, like Ukraine. Ukraine is kind of owned by US NGO’s, such as USAID.
According to Newsweek, “USAID disbursed $72 billion in fiscal year 2023, the most recent full year for which information is available. The most aid—more than $16 billion—was sent to Ukraine that year.”
Listen to how they denounced Zelensky in 2020 for his making a move toward the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, the peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine:
We, the undersigned civil society organizations, think tanks and representatives of civil society, express our indignation at the latest decisions of the Ukrainian delegation in Minsk concerning ways and mechanisms for resolving the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia in the Donbas.
One of the signees of this denouncement:
“NGO “Internews-Ukraine””
USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives. The operation claims “offices” in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN. Bourgault’s IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at
Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted. IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN's budget has been supplied by the US government (thread follows).
Also, in Ukraine, which
covers excellently:As the Maidan protests were swelling in December 2013, senior State Department Victoria Nuland disclosed that “democracy promotion” came with a hefty price tag. The US government, Nuland bragged, has “invested more than $5 billion” to help pro-Western “civil society” groups achieve a “secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.” By its own count, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government-funded organization that works closely with USAID after being spun out of the CIA, reported spending over $20 million on 65 Ukrainian projects in 2013-14. This investment gave the US “a shadow political structure of media and activist groups that could be deployed to stir up unrest when the Ukrainian government didn’t act as desired,” veteran journalist Robert Parry, who helped expose the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s, observed.
Because of Trump’s funding freeze, the extent of that shadow media structure has newly come to light. According to Reporters Without Borders, USAID is the “the primary donor” for the nine out of 10 Ukrainian media outlets that rely on foreign funding. The head of one such outlet, Detector Media, told the Washington Post that “more than 50 percent” of the media organizations that receive foreign money are “dependent on American assistance.”
The Post headlined its story “Independent media in Russia, Ukraine lose their funding with USAID freeze.” According to the Post’s editorial standards, a foreign media outlet can presumably remain “independent” even while funded by the most powerful state in the world. To shore up its narrative, the Post argued that these US-funded outlets have “produced work often critical of their governments,” including the US client in Kyiv. Yet these same outlets have often promoted the US government’s agenda in Ukraine at the country’s expense.
The Grayzone reported that not ONLY was USAID funding things like, “Sex Changes in Guatemala”, the International Republican Institute was funding “Transgender Dance in Bangladesh”. This is EVERYTHING! Because what you must understand to understand why:
$47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
$32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
$2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation
Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
“Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
Is, although it sounds like a bunch of woke nonsense, the International Republican Institute was funding the same thing! WHY?! The party who openly disagrees with things like “Drag Queen Story Time”, and transgender surgeries, would they now fund “Transgender dance in Bangladesh?” Wait for it…
According to documents obtained by The Grayzone, the US-funded International Republican Institute sees gay and transgender people as uniquely disruptive actors who can be deployed to manipulate political realities overseas, stating, “LGBTI people tend to participate in social change activities to eventually bring changes to politics.”
And if your reaction is offense, know this: The same things are being funded by, you guessed it, USAID, aaaaaaand the National Democratic Institute.
For years, the Republican Party-aligned International Republican Institute’s (IRI) agenda in Bangladesh has been dominated by ethnic minority and transgender issues, with leaked documents revealing the Institute sponsored “the largest published survey of LGBTI people in Bangladesh” and that a full 24% of the 1,868 Bangladeshis who participated in IRI programs in 2019 and 2020 were transgender.
The IRI’s cultural activities were conducted with explicitly subversive objectives, aiming to recruit socially excluded groups as regime change activists. They mirrored the US government’s machinations in Cuba, where, as The Grayzone reported, USAID funded rappers, artists, and “desocialized and marginalized youth” to undermine the country’s socialist government.
Since its founding in 1983, the congressionally-funded IRI has been run by Republican politicians and operatives dedicated to the cause of “democracy promotion” abroad. IRI’s Chairman, Sen. Dan Sullivan, is a vehement opponent of same sex marriage who signed on to a GOP letter calling to restrict the participation of transgender youth in sports. While many of the institute’s board members are Never Trump Republicans like Sen. Mitt Romney, the board also includes Sen. Tom Cotton, a top Trump ally who strongly opposes transgender medical interventions for youth.
So, with that being said, obviously the IRI is not funding Transgender Dances to promote trans people, and if the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and USAID, are funding the exact same things, why makes anyone think that they are aiding these people?! These organizations are actively working to destabilize them.
USAID is being used around the world as a front for “AID”, it’s even in its name. It was created by the Kennedy administration in 1961. It wasn’t for foreign aid back than either. It was for International Development, well, in 1961, the age of “Containment”, which turned out to be a failed mission. In order to contain communism, they had to “develop” democracies, so when we talk about international development, we mean shatter their system, whatever it may be, and replace it with a democracy. Regardless of whether that works for their culture or not, we are superior, so we know what’s best!
The National Endowment for Democracy the regime change arm of the government was awarded $348 Million dollars to endow democracy worldwide.
Scott talks about the NED in Provoked:
The color-coded revolutions were essentially U.S. coups d’état dressed up as local “uprisings,” primarily against Russian-leaning states in their near abroad. Backed by the CIA, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), National Democratic Institute (NDI), International Republican Institute (IRI) and friendly, supposedly private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Serbian Otpor, the Soros Foundation, Open Society Foundation, International Renaissance Foundation and the Atlantic Council, they have had quite a few successes. [1104]
[a]s well as 7,000 delegates from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The term still has the image of a certain critical distance from the respective powers. But in Bangladesh, for example, the NGOs that are springing up like mushrooms there have long been derisively called "next-to-government organizations." Population policy in particular has long been largely made by NGOs. In Cairo, the spectrum of NGOs will be huge: from small alternative associations with critical or subversive claims to influential lobby organizations, churches and industry-financed private foundations such as the German Foundation for World Population.
Allen Weinstein, a co-founder of the NED, told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius in 1991, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly twenty-five years ago by the CIA.” Ignatius added, “When [Cold War-era] covert activities surfaced (as they inevitably did), the fallout was devastating. The CIA connection, intended to protect people and organizations from public embarrassment, had precisely the opposite effect.” However, “The biggest difference is that when such activities are done overtly, the flap potential is close to zero. Openness is its own protection.” [1105]
Horton, Scott. Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine (pp. 315-316). The Libertarian Institute. Kindle Edition.
So, these NGO’s became the new thing, when the Church Committee disclosures, named after liberal Congressman Frank Church, who was the head of the Subcommittee that exposed Project MKULTRA, MKNAOMI, Project CHAOS, and the assassination programs of the CIA and FBI, well now that the cat was out of the bag, they needed a new way to carry out these operations. Insert-The National Endowment for Democracy, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, and wouldn’t you know it, the United States Agency for International Development.
The point of these NGO’s was to do in the light what used to be done in the dark, but most of it, the real nefarious stuff, well, can’t say, funding the enemy in a time of war or Propaganda promotion through media, which brings up the media side of the disclosures.
An article just published by
, shows that a media outlet Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project’s (OCCRP) reporting was used in the 2019 impeachment of Donald Trump. The CIA analyst that reported the phone call that the president made to Zelensky relied on reporting done by the OCCRP revealed by last year. This OCCRP doesn’t do reporting like normal news outlets, their reporting is done with the plan of Interference:The journalistic collaboration revealed that OCCRP’s original funding came from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the State Department, and quotes a USAID official who says, “Drew’s just nervous about being linked with law enforcement,” referring to Sullivan. “If people who are going to give you information think you’re just a cop, maybe it’s a problem.”
OCCRP does not operate like a normal investigative journalism organization in that its goals appear to include interfering in foreign political matters, including elections, aimed at regime change. Sullivan told NDR that his organization had “probably been responsible for five or six countries changing over from one government to another government… and getting prime ministers indicted or thrown out.”
If you didn’t catch that, they are funded by…. Guess who? USAID!
Not just funded, that’s almost $3 million dollars! Do you know how much I could do here at
with $3 mill? Well, right now I’m working with a $50 budget, so, according to my calculations, if managed correctly, the scientific answer would be, a FUCK TON!By the way, this OCCRP threatened to sue
just for writing the damn story. Michael goes further into it: cover’s USAID’s dealings at Politico as brilliantly as anyone ever could:The problem isn’t that Politico “sells” $8 million a year in services to agencies like USAID and the DoD and the Departments of Energy and Commerce and the Interior and so on. It’s that when a USAID contractor like Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance gets dragged into a public controversy as it did when Anthony Fauci’s emails became public in 2021, Politico instantly ran “Attacks on Fauci grow more intense, personal and conspiratorial,” a story containing the following elements:
Described EcoHealth Alliance as “a nonprofit studying coronavirus origins,” mentions NIH funding but not the USAID PREDICT project that linked American researchers to the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
Said Fauci’s emails had become a “a new touchstone for conspiracy theorists,” and that Daszak thanked Fauci for “dismissing lab leak theories early in the pandemic.”
Quoted “GMF Digital,” a suite of social media trackers formed by the same German Marshall Fund that created the infamous Hamilton 68 dashboard, as saying “Targeting Fauci erodes trust in scientific institutions”;
Quoted the Bully Pulpit Initiative, founded by Barack Obama chief digital strategist Andrew Bleeker, in saying “Republicans or conservative interests” spent over $300,000 in a month on ads attacking Fauci;
Quoted Ron Klain, Joe Biden’s chief of staff, as saying “No one had more credibility with the public” than Fauci;
Quoted “Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC,” as saying Republicans were trying to “divide and distract” Americans with “misinformation.” (This was a story about Fauci’s real, FOIA-produced emails).
Politico in a short period of time ran scads of articles pooh-poohing the lab leak theory as a Trumpian fantasy, and spent years fellating Fauci and “profiling” anyone who dared criticize Daszak or EcoHealth. This is irritating, but one could chalk it up to organic editorial disposition. The real issue is the sourcing merry-go-round.
I implore anyone and everyone to read that article, it’s
at his very best!So, what does all of this mean. Well, we’ve located the deep state, that’s who these NGO’s are. When we talk about the deep state, an unelected body, using influence and money, propaganda, using dark tactics to subvert entire populations under the guise of activism and humanitarian aid. Using street protests to push out elected officials. If that’s not the deep state, I don’t know what is! Democrats are yelling about hungry children, Republicans are yelling about DEI, but neither one of them exist. In the meantime, we’ve handed the keys right back to the wolves, goodbye scared chickens, goodbye.
Thank you for reading! Have a beautiful day!