2024 RECAP: WELCOME TO AMERICA-The 1st Six Months
In case the drones over Jersey would like to hear about our land, from the street view...
*Working tirelessly on an investigative piece on the Institutional Housing Market and it keeps getting bigger and better, but this year was…. I can’t find the right words to describe it. I’d be amiss to not take some time to reflect on the unbelievable events that took place this year.
2024 YEAR IN REVIEW (Ur-Ine Re-V-Yoo)
Hello Newcomers, welcome to our land. Never mind the noise about invasions, trust me, we’re not talking about you. Please, please, don’t zap Lindsey Graham, please, I don’t know who, but someone likes him and as much as I do endorse him being turned to dust, my government will overreact. You’re not the invaders we’re worried about, Americans are more worried about those…darker skinned invaders. The ones from earth, and those sneaky snakes in our White House right now. I know everyone seems rather hysterical, but if we knew you weren’t from China or Iran, or carrying fentanyl in your hubcap—It’s an earth thing, I’ll explain—the hysterics will die down I assure you. However, for now, let me fill you in on our contemporary politics and our world as it currently stands. I know you’ve come a long way, take a load off, listen to my dribbling’s, or trail off and take a good nap, if that’s your thing, it’s all for your entertainment anyways….
This year is one for the history books. Future historians will write books addressing the events of this year. Maybe it will be called, 2024: A Wrinkle in Time, or as
’ s latest post was called 2024: The Year of the Coverup, which best describes this unbelieveable year.It was a year of hysteria, a year of carnage, but in some ways a year of unity and acceptance. Never in history have more truths come to light, have more alliances been formed, and more people crossed the Rubicon to unify on the other side of the aisle, and one side was left completely exposed for everyone to see who they really are. The establishment figures are dying out, and a populist movement on the left and a populist movement on the right are starting to see that they are not as far apart as they once believed. Consider this, Russel Brand shared a stage with Jordan Peterson, at an event organized by Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, where
gave the most beautiful defense of free speech in the world today, and Jimmy Dore excoriated the war state followed by Tulsi Gabbard warning of nuclear war. If you don’t know, Jordan Peterson and Matt Taibbi were as far apart politically as Chicago and Timbuktu!(The “Visitors” stare blankly in obvious confusion) I continue…
Or consider this, a radical libertarian, Dave Smith and center-left Democrat Cenk Uyghur, were on the same side of many debates on Israel-Palestine, because they might disagree on everything in the world but one thing, they can agree on is that shit is wrong!
Or the real wild one, Silicon Valley of all places, decided it was in their best interest the first time ever to vote Republican, like the whole thing. David Sacks-Democrat, Elon Musk-Democrat, Marc Andreesen-Democrat, that’s it, that’s the only ones I know, lol, ok, better example, Elon Musk, a Biden and Obama voter, Robert F. Kennedy Jr-of the famous Democratic Kennedy dynasty, Tulsi Gabbard-the recent Democratic Committee Chairman, all decided to join forces with Donald Trump-the Republican candidate and winner, while the Democrat Candidate Kamala Harris joined forces with establishment Republican war criminals like Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney, and as crazy as this sounds, 7 out of 10 chances, the second one wins.
Last year you were a kook, a conspiracy theorist or a flat earth dum dum if you said there might be life on other planets, this year award winning Journalists are tracking down UAP’s and testifying in front of Congress.
This year brought the rise of alternative media, like we do here at Substack, and the crash of corporate network media who told us what to think and what to believe. This is the Information age, and I hesitate to say 2024 is the peak because that would assume it can’t get better, but it can, and it will. So, future historians and creatures from the unknown, here’s a breakdown of the events of 2024. From a writer, I’m sure you heard of, reporting from ground zero.
The new year opened with the resignation of Claudine Gay, after the infuriating congressional hearing which was clipped and taken out of context, where she was defending, not expelling students for protesting the War in Gaza and a pressure campaign for plagiarizing work she did for Harvard which, she was wrong for that, it was very stupid, and although I hated her treatment by Elise Stefanik, it did beg the question, how did this lady end up the president of Harvard? Who knows!
Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean-American Journalist, reporting from Ukraine, was highly critical of Volodymyr Zelensky for his prosecution of the war and connection to Ukrainian Neo-Nazi’s like Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Svoboda Party and its founders Oleh Tyahnybok and Andriy Parubiy while the West feeds more bombs to keep the war moving ahead and the Ukrainians dying “(t)o the last Ukrainian.” The Journalist Gonzalo Lira was detained for posts on Twitter against the war, non-violent post but expressing dissent.
Ron Desantis ended his campaign. Nikki Haley ended her career.
The World Economic Forum took place, and we got to see those psychos on stage. With the normal cast plus, Zelensky and the new president of Argentina Javier Milei, the first libertarian economist, ever made president in world history. The lizard people thought he was weird.
New Jeffrey Epstein file release that was underwhelming to say the least, but did put on blast Dr. Stephen Hawking, kinda, and Alan Dershowitz, not kinda at all! Here’s the Guardian:
An additional 19 documents, comprising roughly 300 pages, are in addition to the more than 900 pages of records that were unveiled on Wednesday evening, causing an internet frenzy that crashed a website holding the documents.
High-profile names in the court documents have included Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, and David Copperfield, though many of the persons identified are not accused of any sexual wrongdoing.
But many are, including Alan Dershowitz.
Substack is accused of having a “nazi problem” after Jonathan Katz at the Atlantic makes the claim of “numerous nazi’s and white nationalist writing and profiting from Substack.” Numerous turned out to be 16. Most of that 16 just said something subversive and all of them added together made a grand total of $0 from Substack.
was on that list because he…talked about BLM and the destruction caused during the riots under a pseudonym??? He’s made money on Substack, sure, but is he a Nazi? I’m still trying to figure out if he is a he…. Anyways, other outlets like Business Insider and the NYT piled on.Inside Substack an “Open letter to
and ” was published calling for them to stop supporting these people. Hundreds signed it.In response, a counter letter went around asserting that “free speech is not for speech you like; it’s for speech you don’t like.” Thousands signed.
There was a minor exodus of people we don’t need, and I had an interaction with an Atlantic writer, which was very cool, even though he was retarded. I also has an interaction with German’s who argued that “the ability to buy the book Mein Kampf should be banned”, I guess because their worried about corrupting the minds of the simpletons, and I had an interaction with a lady who, for some reason kept restacking a screenshot of my argument with Katz, and saying, “Will you teach your son to be a nazi?” “Will you teach your son to be a school shooter?” I don’t believe there has ever been a school shooting where the parents told them to do it. Maybe an atmosphere corrupted a kid. But never taught him.
The month ends with Boeing planes being grounded around the world due to numerous quality issues.
- acquitted in Germany for the charge of “Using Nazi insignia”. Did he say, he loved Hitler? Nope. He wrote a book about the authoritarianism of our government here in the Western Hemisphere during COVID. Yea? So did many authors, what was different with him? Well, he was in Germany. Here is the book cover, the actual charge stemmed from using a swastika on the cover.
- releases the UK Files Part II which brings to light an NGO that will continue to be part of the news as a quasi-villain all the way up to the election this fall, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, CCDH, sounds nice, right? Wrong.
Joe Biden wins South Carolina primary, after icing out all other contenders using lawfare and a street putsch through the court system.
Democrat activists and Democrat super-PAC’s assert that they will stop at nothing to prevent a 3rd party candidate from making it to the election and being a spoiler for the Democrats.
“Based on the evidence No Labels has presented to the Department of Justice,” said Dan Webb, a leader for the organization and former U.S. Attorney in Chicago. “No Labels is alleging these groups are participating in a racketeering conspiracy to use fear and threats of force to intimidate and harass representatives of No Labels, potential No Labels political candidates and No Labels supporters nationwide.”
No Labels is a party, like the Green Party, they oppose the current Dem-Rep duopoly that currently dominates politics, and they run 3rd party candidates. Because of being tied up in this suit, they didn’t run a 3rd party candidate this election season, but they planned to. At this time, RFK jr, Jill Stein, and Cornel West were running 3rd party, this threat was directed at all of them.
Here is the letter from ‘No Labels Party’ to the Justice Dept:
(Note: I had to use the Internet Archive to get this since it had been scrubbed from the internet, but never fear, online is FOREVER)
Moving on….
Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin in Russia, and establishment war hawks who lied us into killing a million Iraqi’s, like Bill Kristol, should shut the fuck up forever! But they are not! Bill Kristol literally called for an American journalist to not be allowed back in the country for interviewing a world leader, because no one would ever interview Saddam Hussein, or Osama Bin Laden or even Fidel Castro.
Anyways, excellent interview…
After Colorado refused Donald Trump ballot access last year his case reaches the Supreme Court for the final decision.
Bombshell four-part story, and possibly the final piece to the puzzle that is Russiagate.
“Until now, the official story has been that the FBI’s investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damning material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
“In truth, the US IC asked the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation. The Five Eyes nations are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
“After Public and Racket had been told that President Barack Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, had identified 26 Trump associates for the Five Eyes to target, a source confirmed that the IC had “identified [them] as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.” —
News,There is a hidden “Binder” that could incriminate Gina Haspel, former CIA Director, and others in the intelligence community, for the botched Russiagate investigation:
Uncovered documents prove that intel agencies fixed, or “cooked”, intelligence in 2016 to make it appear that Russia, and Vladimir Putin preferred a Donald Trump presidency as opposed to Hillary Clinton, the truth was much more obvious, of course they preferred Hillary Clinton, everyone knew what she would do, she has decades of nightmarish foreign policy experience behind her, no one knew what trump would do!
And part 4, John Brennan manipulated the Intelligence Community Assessment, or ICA, Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections, to change the outcome, which was one of the threads holding Russiagate together here’s a quote from it.
Some have suggested that the report, as it was authored by the majority staff of HPSCI, which was Republican at the time, is untrustworthy.
But the report was based on raw intelligence and extensive interviews with CIA officials and “did not seem like a partisan document,” the former staffer said. “It took a particular view. But it delivered the analysis and intelligence to back it up.”
The man was reassured by the report’s authors, whom he met with after he read it. “They said they spent an enormous amount of time talking to CIA people about the ICA. They were level-headed and credible. They lent legitimacy to the report because I got to size them up.”
Pressed further, he said, “They were pleasant, introverted people. Not political hacks. Professionals. Somewhat wonky and nerdy.”
What the HPSCI staff report showed was that the former CIA Director Brennan had manipulated the ICA.
On 16 February 2024, Russian Federal Penitentiary announces that Russian opposition activist and political prisoner Alexei Navalny died while serving a 19-year prison sentence incarcerated at the corrective colony FKU IK-3, in the village of Kharp in the Russian Arctic. His official death was pneumonia. This was unanimously blamed on Vladimir Putin. It happened at the same time that a security conference was happening where Zelensky was arguing for more weapons. It this was Putin it would’ve been strategically retarded because it have the West all the ammo they needed insure Ukraine got more weapons. In fact, nobody benefited more for the death of Navalny than the Ukraine military benefits*******
Robert K. Hur drops 388-page report on Joe Biden’s misuse of classified documents case. After interviewing him for hours and hours, which I’m sure really meant, one hour, he came to the decision not to press charges because the judge will seem him as a “well-meaning old man with a bad memory”, how bad are we talking? He forgot his son passed away. He thought he was still the Vice President, and asked, “When did I stop being Vice?” The truth we have all been aware of, is beginning to be next to impossible to hide, but they do. While referring to Bob Hur as a partisan hack and a fascist to cover it up.
United States strikes in Iraq, and Yemen, at the behest of Israel
Nikki Haley, since corporate defense companies, Military-Industrial Complex donors, and corporate Super-PAC’s dropped $100 million dollars on her campaign in case of an accidental win, Haley is refusing to drop out, even after being smoked in her own state, but these Republican Primary debates do bring a new question to light and maybe the most important question in politics, between Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie, who is more unlikable?
Which of them truly makes American faces contort with disgust. The best quote came out of these Republican Primary “Nikki Haley will send your children to die in war so she can buy a new house”
New York Times’ Adam Entous drops exposé in the paper laying out how the CIA has been training soldiers and providing intelligence to prepare and carry out warfare on Russia for years leading up to now, “Limited Hangout”? It MUST be. Click Here to Read the Article for Free, if you're looking to feel more cynical.
Joe Biden’s Hitler-esque drug fueled, propaganda piece, packaged into the worst State of the Union, in my life, and his press lap dogs slop it up! During which he refers to people who cross the border illegally as—get this—”Illegals”, the following day he has a press conference to apologize for “Using that derogatory term”. If he had called them “super predators” however, it would’ve been just fine, right Hillary?
Early talks on ATACMS missiles being authorized for Ukraine hits the mainstream
State Department threatens Congress after the Global Engagement Center and the Disinformation Index are exposed by Gabe Kaminsky in the Washington Examiner. The series is called “Disinformation Inc.”
After being convicted of war crimes by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in South Africa, Israel’s deadline to concede to the guidelines set by the court— “Stop KILLING Everyone!” —was surpassed the same week that Israel bombed the refugee camp in Rafah that they told Palestinians in Northern Gaza to retreat to.
Nate Silver, following an exceedingly grim outlook at the polls, called for Joe Biden to step down.
Vice.com officially shuts down.
Rogan shuts down Kid Rock on Israel warmongering.
Michigan Democrat Primary shows 100K+ voted uncommitted due to Israel. We’ll talk more about that in November. Trump wins Republican Primary.
Justin Trudeau introduces the Online Harms Act. Another piece to the puzzle on Global Censorship is found, an outline appears, and the first amendment is one step closer to eradication, hyperbolic? What is the bill?
Obviously, everyone agrees about child exploitation on the internet, but that’s already illegal. This creates a commission, not in a courthouse setting where you’d expect to lose your civil rights, but a damn commission, like a board meeting, who decides what is harmful, and if it pertains to you. Plus, It has infrastructure to reward informing on other people and sets up a fund to pay them for it. a snitch line! I can’t imagine anyone would abuse that… Also, it raises the penalty for “online harm” from 5 years which is already crazy, up to a life sentence, for “possible, alleged hate speech” and it goes retroactively to things you might’ve said in the past. Consider this, one of Louis CK’s, obviously joking, but very offensive pedophile jokes… hate speech? Exploiting children? It’s just a joke, its words, does he get charged by this “Ombudsman”, under this bill? He could.
Starbucks caves on efforts to bust Union's, begins Negotiations.
Kristin Welker is attacked for referring to Trump’s crimes as “alleged” during appearance on Meet the Press.
Welker noted on Sunday that Trump has claimed he is "immune from criminal prosecution for allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election."
However, Welker's use of the term "allegedly" drew backlash, as critics argued it is not in dispute whether he tried to overturn the results of the election, which he claimed without substantial evidence was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud, but rather whether he broke the law in doing so.
Bombshell Report on Gender Medicine, knowingly sterilizing children was released.
Advocates of gender-affirming care say it’s evidence-based.
But now, newly released internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical.
American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH. It is considered the leading global authority on “gender medicine.”
And yet WPATH’s internal files, which include written discussions and a video, reveal that its members know they are creating victims and not getting “informed consent.”
- receives Samizdat Award for his work on the .
John Barnett, whistleblower exposing unreported quality issues at Boeing, putting millions of people at risk, was in court being deposed on what he knew, after he failed to report for his third day of deposition, he was found dead of a gunshot wound. The Charleston County coroner described the wound as self-inflicted; the rest of the world describes it as murder.
Tik Tok ban passes the house-after pressure from AIPAC and anti-China war hawks, the “Tik Tok ban” is passed, complete with provisions that could criminalize media publications like us, here at
, at the discretion of the White House or the State Department. All they would need to say is “I’m spreading Russian Talking Points” which is sometimes true. Unfortunately, some “Russian Talking Points”, are the truth and must be reported as such. This reaches way further than Tik Tok! And was sold, hook, line, and sinker, passing by a 352-64 margin.
Missouri v Biden (I refuse to call it Murthy v Missouri) reaches the Supreme Court for oral arguments. In a disappointing turn of events for free speech rights Ketanji Brown, the most recently appointed justice, and Miss Can’t-Say-What-A-Woman-Is, makes the argument that the Doughty Ruling was hamstringing the government and denying the government of free speech rights. Which is true, that’s kinda the point, the first amendment’s entire role is to protect us from the government. Thereby hamstringing it. The entire case is based on the Government using third party NGO’s and non-profits, to form vast commercial censorship outfits that pass data to big tech platforms with the expectation that they will censor the accounts accounts for the government in exchange for not losing their section 230 status, which allows these platforms to exist without being sued out of existence. This is illegal, and they know it, if it wasn’t they wouldn’t go through the trouble of covering it up with 3rd party entities. It’s explicit to these “Governmental Organization’s” that they must do this through a third party to bypass speech laws in our country. Members of the government organization, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, admit this in many leaked emails. They admit t’s illegal for the government to censor free speech rights and it’s also illegal for the government to blackmail platforms into censoring people to bypass the first amendment, which has been proven on a scale so massive it would seem like fictitious blustering if we didn’t see the evidence ourselves.
- charged again in Germany for the same book cover with a swastika on an N95 mask. A playwright and columnist here on Substack who has been a brave critic of the surveillance state. Here’s the book cover, again, maybe I can get a court date too, raise my notoriety:
The NYT release their most disingenuous piece of the year called The Deep State is Actually Kind of Awesome, which misrepresents the Deep State as good working people doing great things for America and the world, when the deep state, actually, is the combination of foreign policy pushers, drone strikers, regime changers, and surveillance state pushers.
That is not the DEEP STATE, this is:
Jeffrey Sachs: I think it's obvious there's basically one deep State party and that is the party of Cheney, Harris, Biden, Victoria Nuland, my colleague at Columbia University now, and Nuland is kind of the face of all of this, because she has been in every Administration for the last 30 years. She was in the Clinton Administration wrecking our policies towards Russia in the 1990s, she was in the Bush Administration, (Bush) Jr with Cheney, wrecking our policies towards NATO enlargement, she was in, then the Obama Administration as Hillary's spokesperson first, and then making a coup in Ukraine in February 2014, not a great move, started a war, then she was Biden’s Under-Secretary of State, now, that’s both parties, it’s a colossal mess and um she’s been Cheney’s adviser, she’s been Biden’s advisor, she uh makes perfect sense…….
John Mearsheimer: When we talk about the Deep State, we're talking really about the “Administrative State”, it's very important to understand, that starting in the late 19th, early 20th century, given developments in the American economy, it was imperative that we develop—and this was true of all Western countries—a very powerful Central State. That could run the country, and over time that state has grown in power, and since World War II the United States, as you all know, has been involved in every nook and cranny of the world fighting Wars. Here, there, and everywhere, and to do that you need a very powerful Administrative State, that can help manage foreign policy but, in the process, what happens is you get all of these high-level bureaucrats’, middle-level, and low-level bureaucrats who become established in positions in the Pentagon, the State Department, the Intelligence Community, you name it, and they end up having a vested interest in pursuing a ‘particular’ foreign policy and the ‘particular’ foreign policy that they like to pursue, is the one that the Democrats and the Republicans are pushing
Twitter Files Extra: How the “Censorship Industrial Complex” Case Was Built was ran in
. It’s a conspiracy theory that non-profit groups like the Stanford Internet Observatory were working to censor dissent for the government because the 1st amendment protects us from government censorship, says NBC Reporter Brandy Zadrozny, but three completely unrelated groups uncovered the same evidence in their own methods and came to the same conclusion.
Three different groups — Twitter Files reporters, staffers for House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan’s Weaponization of Government Committee, and lawyers in the Murthy v. Missouri case — spent more than a year of work building that case.
The media misrepresents Donald Trump’s “Blood Bath” statement during a speech.
Like Shane Gillis and SNL, Ronna McDaniel, ex-RNC Chairperson, is hired and fired at MSNBC before she even makes it to air. Amid pressure from partisan employees over 2020 election views.
Department of Homeland Security raids the homes of Sean “P. Diddy” Combs after a lawsuit uncovers evidence of physical and sexual abuse over the years. He is innocent until proven guilty. But he’s probably guilty.
Coleman Hughes has a great appearance on the View promoting his first book, The End of Race Politics.
Correctiv and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue are Democracy Promotion NGO’s, parallel to the National Endowment for Democracy, they are linked to NATO and their jobs are to interfere in elections to make sure the “most democratic” candidate wins. I outline this in my article Interference: Anatomy of Regime Change and they are doing it in Europe.
After attacks stemming from disagreements on methods of coverage on the
and sources at Twitter, Taibbi debates Briahnna Joy Gray on Rising.Exposé of NPR by 25-year vet is ran by
.April 3rd Michael Shellenberger published the Twitter Files-Brazil, they show that a corrupt Supreme Court Justice named Alexandre de Moraes, along with Lula da Silva has violated the Brazilian Constitution. Moraes illegally demanded that Twitter reveal private information about Twitter users who used hashtags he considered inappropriate. He demanded access to Twitter's internal data, violating the platform's policy. He censored, on his own initiative and without any respect for due process, posts on Twitter by parliamentarians from the Brazilian Congress. And Moraes tried to turn Twitter's content moderation policies into a weapon against supporters of then-president Jair Bolsonaro. Following that, all hell broke loose:
April 6th, Brazil court forces Elon Musk to block certain accounts on X that is expressing dissent. Later Elon announces that he’s lifting all restrictions, and X might no longer be available in Brazil. Michael Shellenberger of
reports from there.“April 7th, Federal Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes announced a criminal investigation into Elon Musk, the owner of X, formerly known as Twitter, for allegedly spreading disinformation, obstructing justice, and allowing people who De Moraes had banned from social media to freely express their views. De Moraes said he would fine X twenty thousand dollars per day for every banned person Musk allows to speak.”
April 12th, following testimony to the Brazilian Senate Lula da Silva outlaws telling a lie. Supporters call for Michael’s prosecution.
Yesterday, Brazil’s President Lula called for criminalizing lies. Given that everybody lies, Lula is proposing to give the government the power to arrest anyone he wants. Thousands of Workers Party activists took to X yesterday to demand that I be arrested for things I said during my testimony before the Brazilian Senate. And today, the head of X in Brazil announced he had quit, fearing for his safety.
Shellenberger made it back home to safety.
More Brazil:
April 24th, X is in court to be shut down again in Brazil, and President Lula is threatening prosecution of Michael Shellenberger for the release of the Twitter Files- Brazil.
After screaming at the top of his lungs for years about “Federal Agencies spying on American citizens with no oversight” Mike Johnson, Republican Speaker of the House, and disappointment to his mother, pushes for reauthorization of FISA, and gets it, which allows for “Warrantless Spying” by the FBI, NSA, DHS, and all other government enforcement and intelligence agencies. He sells out himself and the American people. Here is a year ago talking to Glenn Greenwald:
That's exactly right, and that is what keeps us up at night Glenn. We're worried about what has become of these agencies, that have such broad and expansive powers! You know the top law enforcement
agency in the country, that is supposed to be protecting and serving the
American people is being used against them! It's violating the privacy of
Americans. It is, uh, trampling upon their fundamental constitutional rights, and it goes without check, because you know what? So many people are frustrated about is—you know, they asked
me today, why can't you guys get accountability? Why can't you bring some order?
Here’s a fun fact:
FISA, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, creates the requirement of probable cause shown to the “FISA Court” as the method of receiving permission to legally use any kind of surveillance from wiretapping to Trap/Trace devices on anyone including American citizens. Stellar Wind was the database Edward Snowden exposed, this was where they started wiretapping EVERYONE just in case, without warrant, without permission. So, if anyone was ever added to a watch list, they would already have all this recent data on them. If you read any of the Snowden revelations, you know this was almost immediately misused, for domestic cases, drug charges, things like that. Stellar Wind was shut down in 2007 and Section 702 was added to the FIS Act. Section 702 gives permission to the agencies (FBI, CIA, DHS, etc.) to carry out warrantless spying. It’s how they were able to start wiretapping people like Carter Page, the head of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign a year before he even became the nominee. Except, they had cause, they used the Steele Dossier being read into the record on the floor of Congress by Adam Schiff. They presented the biggest piece of bad true crime fiction, presented it as true and got cause to wiretap them.
Mike Johnson approved this.
NPR’s newly hired CEO, and previous CEO of Wikimedia. Katherine Maher, after being defended in the NYT is eviscerated on social media for her real-life Titania Mcgrath-isms.
Issue with this, in case you don’t know
is not a real person, she/they are a satirical character, Katherine Maher however, is as real as my fingers striking this keyboard, go figure.Uri Berliner, Senior Lead Editor, resigns from NPR, after 25 years of service, due to character attacks in the workplace from this new CEO Katherine Maw-Her over his criticisms of NPR in
. In his resignation letter he made the following statement:
“I cannot work in a newsroom where I am disparaged by a new C.E.O. whose divisive views confirm the very problems at NPR I cite in my Free Press essay,” Mr. Berliner wrote.
Donald Trump becomes a martyr facing trial after trial, with very little cause.
Congress convenes for a Saturday session. Pushes through war aid for Ukraine and Israel and Reauthorization of FISA—including section 702, which legalizes warrantless spying. After months and months of refusing to support the war aid and FISA, unless the bill includes an immigration bill that everyone agrees. All three were passed with 0 concessions.
Paul Krugman blames American perception, for the price of eggs increasing by 300%. He says the economy is great, our perceptions of it are not.
The economy is good, but Americans feel bad about it. Or do they?
The more I look into it, the more I’m convinced that much of what looks like poor public perception about the economy is actually just Republicans angry that Donald Trump isn’t still president….
What is a mystery is why the improving economy hasn’t been reflected in public perceptions. There have been some fairly elaborate analyses of the divergence between economic fundamentals and consumer sentiment
Congressional oversight members surveilled by the State Department via a leak from Google.
Antisemitism Awareness Act passes the house with a sweeping attack on free speech rights. In a country that once loved free speech so much that they were willing to allow neo-Nazi’s to march through a neighborhood of Holocaust survivors, which went to the Supreme Court and was defended by Ira Glasser, the leader of the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU, who is a Jewish man whose family was a victim of the Holocaust, are now outlawing the use of statements such as “from the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free” or “antizionism is not antisemitism” or any form of “Jesus Christ was killed by Jews” which is something I was taught in Sunday school. He was Jewish and killed by his own people. But hey, we know how family can be…
Dissident Dialogues took place, where many great debates took place and many, once great, people showed up and destroyed their credibility forever:
- , voted Most Un-Moderated Moderator, and with Most Patient Debater on a 3 vs 1.5 Panel Ever!
And the feminism debate, and the Mainstream media debate was excellent!
Oh, and the “I don’t do recordings!” Dawkins Clip by
- , voted Most Un-Moderated Moderator, and with Most Patient Debater on a 3 vs 1.5 Panel Ever!
Shellenberger appears to testify in front of Congress here in the United States to talk about Brazil’s censorship; News Flash: The Democrats Support Censorship.
The Atlantic goes after
after he eviscerates censorship queen Renee DiResta, who I cannot tag because she has blocked me. I couldn’t be prouder.“The Stanford Internet Observatory is the only observatory I know of, that has offensive capabilities to shoot down stars and planets.” —
at the Novitate Conference.May 13th:
- releases the FOIA Files and the Censorship Files and more Twitter Files where we learned:
Garry Kasparov, famous professional chess player from the Soviet Union, left the board of the Aspen Institute because of its resemblance to the Soviet Union
The people creating these anti-disinformation programs are winging it and have no clue if any of it helps.
Despite pushback and controversy, former Facebook executive and Stanford Internet Observatory head Alex Stamos writes a note of encouragement to the other core members of the Election Integrity Partnership, or EIP. Despite “some recent attention” from “right-wing media,” the EIP “will not be intimidated from continuing our mission in 2022 and 2024”
Twitter contractors were replacing posts with dog pictures instead of deleting subversive accounts.
Twitter Files-CIA is released on
Libertarian National Convention takes place, and it would normally be a snoozefest but this was one for the ages and might very well be why Donald Trump won in November. Donald Trump and RFK Jr. (separately of course), and Vivek Ramaswamy, campaigning for Trump, went to the LNC to vie for support from the Libertarians and although RFK was booed quite a bit, and Donald Trump, booed A LOT, because Libertarians are very big headed in their beliefs, he did win a lot of their support, because of one name Ross Ulbricht. If you don’t know, maybe you’ve seen the movie The Silk Road, basically Ross was/is a Libertarian and he got the idea to start, somewhat of a free-market experiment dubbed the Silk Road, it was a completely anonymous, completely unregulated market using the Tor browser which is what we now call the dark web, basically because it exists out there in the dark of the wide web, and because it’s notorious for being where dark things happen. The only rules were no third parties could be harmed to produce whatever you were selling, each seller would get reviews, if you did bad business, you’d get bad reviews and that’s how you’d decide who to buy from, and the currency used to buy/sell was Bitcoin. What started with pure intent blew into something huge, the agents investigating him started stealing bitcoin for themselves, they were eventually charged and prosecuted, but not before setting up Ross for 6 counts of Murder for Hire and Trafficking of $183 million dollars’ worth of narcotics. The Murder-for-Hire charges were dismissed as they were never real in the first place, they were simply tacked on to keep him from making bail. Regardless, he was given 2 consecutive life sentences, plus 40 years. The prosecution only asked for 20. This was an unbelievably large sentence for someone selling drugs online. Anyways, Donald Trump promised at the Libertarian Convention that he would pardon Ross Ulbricht on day one of his administration and he would look into pardoning Julian Assange, but Ross was a sure thing, and he gained thousands of Libertarian supporters off this one promise. Oh, and he’d put a Libertarian in his Cabinet. That remains to be seen. We’ll see.
Here’s the speech he gave at the convention.
There were many quotable moments in 2024, and one of them took place at the LNC in a debate between Clint Russell, Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate, and Vivek Ramaswamy, on the subject of Donald Trump being sufficiently America First in the way of non-interventionism, Clint Russell made a statement that echoed through the lands, and I do see it as the feeling of Americans far and wide:
(T)he issue has been that the GOP throughout my entire life has not turned words into actions,
they promised to defend the Constitution, when?!
I'm going to die before they do it! This is my deep-seated concern.
They also talk about limited government.
They talk about ending the wars.
They talk about bringing our troops home.
When? When? When? It's not happening!
So, the reason the Libertarian party is as viable as it is, the reason that Donald Trump and yourself, and even RFK are here this weekend, is because the election margins are so thin that you guys need us, and I appreciate that you're willing to come and talk to us.
Because there's not real animus, particularly between you and me. I have a tremendous amount of respect for you but, there is a tremendous amount of animosity between myself and the GOP, who has ran around talking as if they're Ron Paul and then governing as if they're John McCain.
This got him a standing ovation. It was unbelievable, so many people felt this so deep down inside.
Chris Cuomo v Dave Smith on PBD Podcast:
Chris Cuomo faces the guillotine for himself and all of corporate media’s sins during the COVID era when he debates Dave Smith for his role in the spread of this fear propaganda that he and his colleagues at CNN were responsible for. And his complete switch since then, embracing the possibility of vaccine injuries, long COVID, and the use of Ivermectin, things that he once attacked for from his pedestal on the number 1 show on CNN.
And FINALLY! Trump was convicted for 34 counts of misusing campaign funds. Future historians, when you write about 2024 and run across this piece, here’s what you should know:
So, this case is for telling his attorney Michael Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels who he had slept with sometime in the past and was now blackmailing him for money or she would go to the press, it would look bad for his campaign, blah, blah, blah, but that’s not illegal, it’s simply wrong. His wife should leave him, sure, but a trial?! Come on. Michael Shellenberger does it real justice, here’s what he said:
The recent felony conviction of Trump for falsifying business records relies on the idea that he misclassified campaign payments. Democrats say, “Nobody is above the law,” which is true. But Democrats are wrong to ignore the fact that prosecutors are constantly making choices about whether to pursue certain cases over others. Indeed, Hillary Clinton was found to have mislabeled payments related to the Steele dossier during her 2016 campaign, and she was never prosecuted. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) merely fined Clinton and the Democratic National Convention (DNC) for this misconduct.
In fact, everything about New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s recent conviction of Trump is abnormal. For starters, Bragg campaigned on the promise to prosecute Trump. He turned the misdemeanor of falsifying business records into a felony by tying it to election interference. The case was so weak that both the Department of Justice and the former DA refused to prosecute it.
The judge in the case donated to Biden and his daughter is the president of a Democratic Party fundraising firm whose clients include Rep. Adam Schiff, who led the Russiagate hoax. The judge told the jurors that they didn’t need to agree on what crime Trump intended to commit by falsifying records.
The case confused even legal experts. “At the start of closing arguments,” wrote legal scholar Jonathan Turley, “most honest observers were still wondering what the prosecutors were alleging as to the crime that Trump was allegedly concealing with the falsification of business records.”
Even CNN’s top legal scholar, Elie Honig, who is also a former colleague of Bragg, said the trial violated norms. “Prosecutors Got Trump But They Contorted the Law,” explained Honig in New York Magazine. “The charges against Trump are obscure and nearly entirely unprecedented,” he said. “In fact, no state prosecutor— in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime against anyone for anything. None. Ever.”
Very well said Michael. Find more from him
News.Now for the final month in this segment. That seemed like enough for 5 years, but in this 6th month the dominoes really start to fall, and events of catastrophic proportion take place, of which will be coming in PART II: The Final Six. Let’s get into it:
JUNE 2024
The month started like any other, with Fauci getting grilled for the pandemic that was manufactured in his Coronavirus Bio-Lab in Wuhan China, “The Wuhan Institute of Virology” not that they would know anything about a Novel Coronavirus with a lab-made Furin cleavage site that makes it viral to humans that originated in Wuhan, China! Not a chance, they’re barking up the wrong tree!
Video courtesy of
According to polling Donald Trump is leading by a healthy margin… We love the guy getting fucked by the system! Way more than we love The System!
A couple excellent Twitter Files pieces come out:
Elon Musk resisted another call for him to censor posts, this time in Australia, and he resisted, regardless of financial and legal pressure being extorted upon him.
Immigration starts to become a big problem in Europe, as those resisted are labeled by disinformation campaigns as “far right”.
Maybe not the biggest story of the year, but definitely the best story of the year. The Greatest, most Fearless Journalist. The Journalist who broke more stories that changed the landscape of the world we live in, and the stain that the American Deep State (Intelligence, State Dept, White House, Pentagon) will never wash clean as long as they exist. Julian Assange is released from prison after 6+ years locked in the embassy in Ecuador and 62 months in Belmarsh Prison—what’s known as the “Alcatraz of the UK”—for the crime of embarrassing the United States Cartel, is finally free. On shitty grounds might I add. I’m happy he’s free, they were torturing this man to death in real time! His health was declining, he was living in solitary confinement and not a clue if he would ever come home. Instead of saying, “My bad, case is dismissed”, they made him take a plea bargain for time served if he accepts guilty on one count, this was to keep him from suing later. It was a shameful move, but then, wasn’t it always???
Our biggest accusation to all these other countries, whose leaders operate in dictatorial ways, we love to say, “But he jails journalists!” Well, we do too. Thank God he’s free, his family needs him, and humanity needs people like him. When we destroy people like that, simply for doing good, it sets an evil, cynical precedent in the world. An ugly kaleidoscope.
Elon Musk’s Starlink makes internet connection available to Tribes of the Amazon Rainforest—Isn’t that GREAT! Turns out not so much—the tribe leaders are experiencing young ones who won’t do any chores because of endless scrolling and worse they are discovering porn! Welcome Amazon, to American decadence! The tribe leaders are considering turning it off completely, they don’t believe in public displays of affection and are afraid they’ll start to mimic the pornography they’re being exposed to, welcome to our world! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
June 11th, Hunter Biden convicted on all felony charges, ABC covers it below:
“Cheapfakes”—The shortest psyop in psychological operation history!
So, what happened was two troubling clips were released online that were very obviously Joe Biden, first off facing the wrong direction at the G7 meeting, then wandering off to give someone out of the picture a 👍 up, and a lady, apparently a European leader, walking up behind him and taking his hand and leading him back, and you can see Joe kinda straightening up a sec then he starts slipping again, then the video ends, and another was Barack Obama in a very tender moment, treating Joe like you do your Grandpa in public, when he doesn’t know what’s going on, and taking his hand and leading him off stage. After this is released Karine Jean-Pierre is asked about it in a press conference and she calls it a “Cheapfake”. This is a deep fake that’s been manipulated to make it seem like something else, but the videos were real! Deep fakes are videos completely engineered with animation and CGI, these were real. They were simply inconvenient to the case against Biden’s senility! Every single corporate media outlet ran with this cheap fake story, literally back-to-back, but not for long, for very soon they’re struck by a truth too big and too in the open to deny it wasn’t happening anymore…
Let’s cut to the chase, the closing of this month led to a vibe shift, unlike anything that’s happened in my lifetime. Not even the paid professional propagandists could keep the charade going, and they sold out their subject in a hot second!
Closing Of June-Half Time for 2024-And a Clear End to That Chapter…
A Chapter ends, when another one begins…
The First (and last) Debate of the 2024 Election, Donald J. Trump VS. Joseph Robinette Biden
So, there was a few odd notes to make about the logistics of the debate itself. You could discredit them, I have no proof, it’s simply what stood out to me. Such as timing, historically, these debates are never this early. In 2020 the presidential debates took place in September and October, and that was in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. Also, there wasn’t just one debate on the schedule, that was odd. That was all they were planning to give us to make our choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. And taking place before the convention? Un-fucking-heard of!
Also, yes Joe Biden did terrible, the most partisan Democrats in the world could not deny it, but they were so much faster to admit this than anything else, ever! 8 years later, after hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence to the contrary, they still swear that Russia gate was real!
Flipping straight to the corporate media “analysis” right after the debate, and “Joe Biden beat Medicare”, they had their scripts ready, as if the plan was to turn on him from the beginning. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Seconds after the end of the debate, the mainstream pundits who’d lauded for 3 and a half years about Joe Biden being in the best shape ever and anything else is a right-wing conspiracy, immediately started engaging in those same conspiracy theories that they had attacked and slandered every American who was just slightly critical of Joe Biden’s and his presidency.
Every channel, in lockstep, were making the same nervous assertions that we had all been making for years. Yes, Joe Biden had gotten too old for this position. His condition was getting worse before our eyes and they had all been complicit in the coverup. He’d undergone too much trauma, after several brain surgeries, 50 years in office, the loss of his wife, daughter, and one of his sons. There was no damn way he was gonna make it 4 more years in office. We all knew it, and now they were admitting it, the jig was up! The following video runs through the lowlights of that debate:
Here’s the after-debate coverage, remember this is mere seconds after the close of the debates, it is remarkable how fast they betrayed their positions!
Here’s CNN:
Here’s Breaking Points, although they’ve been honest from the beginning:
This was the night of, but by morning the propaganda machine was back in action, and everyone was back in step, screaming at the top of their lungs, bad night, had a cold! He’s gonna be fine, but there is an uneasiness in their voices you just can’t shake, this was the snowballing of events that led us to where we are today at the end of the year, in the most historic year in my lifetime. All that to come in part 2, The Next Six Months. For now, I’ll leave you with an inspiring piece, the icing on the cake for the “First Six Months” and bid you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And if the world treats us right, I’ll see you in the next edition of
.This is
, Editor-in-Chief, Thank you for reading!