A Quick Note on USAID and "one of the cruelest acts that a democracy has ever undertaken." -The Atlantic
"How about saying what you ACTUALLY believe, instead of what you want people to believe!"
I swear I didn’t go looking for this. For some reason MSN.Com is serving up articles from The Atlantic???? The whole piece is just gushing with idiocy. These morons still think that we can’t actually see where the money went to! At one point says, “Trump and Musk’s foreign-aid freeze could be one of the cruelest acts that a democracy has ever undertaken.” Which lead into the sentence that has me now angrily beating my keyboard to death, it gets worse and worse!
In 2011, when Republican members of Congress proposed a 16 percent cut in annual foreign aid, then–USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah conservatively estimated that it would lead to the deaths of 70,000 children. That is more children than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Depending on how thoroughly Trump and Musk are allowed to dismantle USAID, the casualties this time could be worse.
This is, in fact, EXTREMELY CRUEL! If it was determined there needed to be a budget cut of 16 percent, and they decided instead of rolling back the “Freedom Fighter’s fund” in fucking Syria, or hell, this is 2011, maybe they could spare a few percent from the Bank of “Sodomize Qaddafi.” Maybe Libya wouldn’t have turned into a slave trade!
If they decided that a 16 percent cut was needed, and then chose to take it from feeding children overseas, then yes, that was a cruel act, but not by the Republicans who proposed the budget cut, by those fools deciding what was to be cut and choosing to starve children instead of depriving a “Pro-Democracy” street protest of ecstasy and booze, or “freedom fighters” of AK-47’s, yes, that was a cruel act. The cruelest, I’m not sure, after all, democracies have been responsible for more war than any other system since, what? The Mongolian's Genghis Khan, whatever they were? I’ve went through this USAID thing ad-nauseum. If you’d like to know more, I wrote a 5000-word piece on it, HERE.
A couple paragraphs into The Atlantic article, headlined “At USAID, I Prioritized the Wrong Argument”, you realize who is writing this, it’s an actual USAID propagandist, a “Speech Writer for USAID, during the last two democrat administrations.” Obama & Biden:
I served as USAID’s head speechwriter for six years under the past two Democratic administrations. In that role, I prioritized tactical arguments about America’s safety and well-being in order to persuade the shrinking segment of Republicans who were sympathetic to foreign aid. For a time, it worked. During the Biden administration, Congress spared USAID’s budget from the most drastic proposed cuts…
Today, however, that line of reasoning is failing. Trump, Musk, and their allies are convinced that administering foreign aid weakens America, rather than enriching or securing it. Marco Rubio used to be one of the agency’s biggest supporters; now, as secretary of state, he’s maligning its staff and abetting its demolition.
A more compelling message lies in the fact that Trump and Musk’s foreign-aid freeze could be one of the cruelest acts that a democracy has ever undertaken. (GAAAAH! I just can’t!)
In 2011, when Republican members of Congress proposed a 16 percent cut in annual foreign aid, then–USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah conservatively estimated that it would lead to the deaths of 70,000 children. That is more children than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Depending on how thoroughly Trump and Musk are allowed to dismantle USAID, the casualties this time could be worse.
The Atlantic is basically a propaganda machine, and this article is a propagandist, telling us that his propaganda didn’t work. Here’s the propaganda you should have used. Plain and simple. Such a blatant betrayal, What. The. Fuck! How about saying what you ACTUALLY believe, instead of trying to convince people what they SHOULD believe, tell them the truth, what you believe, and let them make their own decisions by themselves!
This article for The Atlantic, who I was a year subscriber, so I could see what they’re about and sheesh! Ten non-partisan, actually interesting articles, maybe, I’ll get around to writing about it eventually. I’m doing Harper’s next, I’m gonna go through all the national magazines and do reviews on them, throughout a full year subscription. I don’t know if anyone will want to read it, but it sounds fun to me.
The guy who has been doing the research and beating the drum on this organization for almost a decade, long before Elon had any stake in any of this, is Mike Benz. He started out researching them from position of exposing censorship, and that seems to be the one constant that every evil organization has behind it. If you’d like a sure-thing measurement of the nefariousness of any operation or organization, look no further than their position on free speech. If they can justify censorship, they’re on the wrong team. His website is the Foundation for Freedom Online. Follow him on TWIX at MikeBenzCyber, and his website TWIX @FFO_Freedom. You can also find me there, although because I refuse to NOT post my Substack articles on my feed, I am extremely algorithmically “unfavored”. Like, no shit, I was gaining 100 followers a week on X until I wrote my first Substack article and posted a link to it there. The bastard.
I was one of the first to start paying the subscription price for my checkmark, I thought it was awesome! I got a perma-ban on my personal account for… BLAH! Arguing over the
and telling someone to “Kill themselves”. Instant, mass reporting, app froze up, then I was banned. Anyways, you can follow me there at Right2BareWords (Censorship Watch).Back to Mike, if you’d like to know more about the NGO-Industrial Complex no one is more knowledgeable than him on this subject. He lays it out on the two following, very small might I add, shows. Here they are and thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend!
Y0U GOT IT! I think that's where the push back is coming from. They were all in it, have been, from the beginning, if they're not in it then they're listening to people who are. Those that actually need aid, yes, get it to them but these NGO’s should have nothing to do with it. They should disappear into the background in shame. Gone for ever!
I am somewhat baffled at all the pushback against DOGE -- except for those who will be directly affected. USAID has been a tool of the State Department for destabilizing regimes. Any actual "aid" it provides comes with massive strings attached, and is basically a means for supporting groups that might band together to overthrow their government. It is indefensible.